This SECTION is devoted to 'Enterprise Education' for upper primary level students and youth. It is not restrictive that the youth have to be studying in these classes , but it is generally indicative that the level of the lessons is designed for youth in the age of 10 years to 14 years.
Parents/Teachers are also encouraged to enthusiastically go through these lessons from point of view of broadening their knowledge, and from point of view of being able to guide the students/youth under their tutelage or in their vicinity to pick up Enterprise Concepts and Enterprise Skills.
The primary objective of this section is development of the youth's enterprise competencies . The method chosen is via the lessons which will assist the youth to develop these competencies in the mode of 'learning by doing'. Consequently the lessons are participative in nature.
The Portal Developers are always open to feed-back and suggestions . All comments are welcome through the 'Contact Us' link.
This educational PORTAL is as good as the effort put in by the learner , and is meant to provide a learning experience only. The portal developers take no responsibility whatsoever for the outcome of the learning or the application it is put to.