Harmony of human efforts,

Nature’s resources bountiful,

And the needs of the market,

Makes an enterprise successful

UDYAM SHASTRA- Chapter 06, Verse 01


Reading this module and doing the students activities will enable the students :

  • To bring self awareness among students

  • To help students find their own strengths.

  • To help students find their own weaknesses.

  • To develop positive attitude


(Basic instruction regarding E.CONCEPTS to teachers: The teacher is requested to first read and follow the ‘Basic instructions

regarding Enterprise Concepts to teachers’ and proceed further thereafter. The teacher should ask a series of leading and thought provoking questions to elicit answers from the students . These answers are expected to make the students understand these E.Concepts in their own words that they recognize and know).

Definitions of the E. CONCEPTS of the module “Knowing Myself”

TEAM BUILDING : To find suitable people to carry out the desired work jointly.

DELEGATION : Assigning duties and responsibilities to different people.

SWOT ANALYSIS : Analysis to help a person find his own strengths, weaknesses, Opportunities and threats.

POSITIVE ATTITUDE: The ability to see better side of everything and being hopeful about desired result of all efforts.

ENTERPRISE SKILLS: E.SKILLS of the module “Knowing Myself”. The students activity is designed to clarify the CONCEPTS of

the module and develop some ‘ENTERPRISE SKILLS’ (E. Skills). The E.Skills included in a module may not be exhaustive but

are only indicative. E.Skills stated in modules elsewhere may also get addressed through the activities of a module.:

SELF AWARENESS: Better understanding of their own abilities and liking, to identify their own interests and aptitude.

DELEGATION: Ability to distribute work to other and get it completed satisfactorily.

CRITICAL THINKING: Ability to decide between right or wrong, appropriate or not appropriate.

ANALYTICAL THINKING: Ability to divide the information in parts and simplifying.

STUDENTS ACTIVITY: This activity is divided in two parts. For part one, give the work sheets to all students individually. After all students have filled their responses, help them to form groups. Give each group a task sheet prepared by you. Help the students to understand the tasks and break the task in to simpler parts when needed. The following may be taken as a guide to write the task sheets. The teacher may write more or modify the given tasks as per the requirement of situation The teacher’s help may become more important in getting the delegation started in each group.

Task -1

Your school does not have a volley ball team. You have to find suitable players from the school, decide a ground for practice, find a coach, get the game equipment, take permission from the headmaster, play matches and win.


The peons in your school have gone on strike. You have to get the school cleaned by someone else, find the demands of peons, try to get them back to do work or try to get a cleanliness contract four your school.


The school wants to set up a cooperative store. You have to take permission from head master, arrange for money, purchase the things in bulk and arrange to sell them in school & make some profit too.


The canteen in your school does not serve healthy food. The cooking place is very dirty. You have to draw attention of all students, teachers and HM to this, ask him to keep it clean or arrange to run a canteen with the help of all students, make some profit.


Some old people of your area meet at a place regularly. You have to arrange for cement benches for them to sit. Collect money, order benches at the lowest possible price, get them and fix them at suitable places.


Instruction to Students

  • This activity is an individual activity.

  • Read the given statements carefully.

  • Mark the statements you agree with a tick mark. Ignore the statements you do not agree. Ask the teacher the meaning some unknown words if any.

  • After completing the activity, each group should present and share its main discussion points with the rest of the class.

1. I like myself.

2. I have many friends.

3. My friends like me.

4. I am very good in studies.

5. My drawing is good

6. I am good at sports

7. I am good at computers and video games.

8. I can sing well.

9. I am good at dancing.

10. I write short stories and poetries.

11. I am good at sticking things and making new things out of it.

12. I like to talk to people.

13. I can convince people about what I think.

14. I do not give up easily and keep trying till I succeed.

15. I like new challenges/ difficult work.

16. I like to be the leader and take responsibility of others.

17. I correct my own mistakes.

18. I do not get angry when someone passes bad comment about me.

19. I am generally happy and try to keep all around me happy

20. I always try to help others whenever possible.

21. I am very fussy about eating

22. Some times my friends avoid me.

23. I like to speak in front of large audiences.

24. I do not listen carefully.

25. I do not have the habit of taking notes.

26. I am normally late in doing my work.

27. I like to read storybooks.

28. My handwriting is bad.

29. I get very angry when I loose a game.

30. I do not like to stand in long queues

31. I like to travel and see new places.

32. I can distribute work to others and make sure that it is done properly.

33. I understand the work and try complete it to my best.

34. When fail to do something I don’t try for it again.

35. I keep trying difficult thing in different ways till I succeed.

36. I forget sad moments in life and try to remember only good


Instruction to Students:

    • After all of you finish reading and marking your sheets, forms groups as instructed by your teacher.

    • Make a list of names of your group members. Write special ability of each person against his/her name.

    • Teacher will give a task sheet to each group. Read the task given carefully.

    • Discuss and break the work in parts. Divide the work among the group members in such a way that all get to do what he/she is good at.

    • After completing the activity, each group should present and share its main discussion points with the rest of the class.

Q.1. Names of my group members are: He/she is good at

1. _____________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________________________

6. _____________________________________________________________

Q.2. Task given by the teacher is: _______________________________________________________________

Q.3 Who would do what? _______________________________________________________________

Q.4. What did I learn from this activity ? _______________________________________________________________