Governance Structure

Executive Roles of the Board of Directors 

Collectively, the Board of Directors of CURA acts as the steward of Canadian university rowing. CURA manages its own  governance, promotes post-secondary rowing programs, manages playing regulations, and manages the annual national  championship.  

The Board may and shall delegate powers, duties, and function; make policies, procedures, and rules for managing the affairs  of CURA (within the limits of the constitution); and appoint such persons it deems necessary to carry out the work of CURA.  

Directors of CURA are elected for three-year terms. The terms are divided into three blocks, to ensure Board continuity: in  year one, the President and Secretary are elected; in year two, the VP Eligibility is elected; and in year three, the VP CURA is  elected. The office of Past President is automatically filled by the outgoing President.  

Directors may serve no more than two consecutive terms in the same role. 


The CURA President shall: 

• Oversee the other members of the executive 

• Ensure that projects are fulfilled by sending reminders, setting meetings, and requesting reports • Liaise with Rowing Canada Aviron on matters relating to university rowing 

• Lead all CURA meetings 

Past President 

The Past President shall: 

• Oversee the Playing Regulations, Governance, and Nominations subcommittees, including ensuring that all committees  have a full slate of members 

• Carry out any other duties assigned by the Board of Directors


The Secretary shall:  

• Record the minutes of the annual general meeting, special meetings of CURA, and any meetings of the Board of  Directors 

• Ensure effective communication with the membership of CURA 

• Maintain an online database of CURA members 

VP Eligibility 

The VP Eligibility (1st VP) shall: 

• Chair the eligibility committee 

• Be responsible for the collection and confirmation of team rosters and eligibility certificates from all members  participating at the CURC regatta 

• Work to ensure best practices for the collection of the above data 

• Work with coaches and athletic departments in cases of exceptional circumstances or contention 


The VP CURA (2nd VP) shall: 

• Be responsible for the oversight of the CURC regatta 

• Ensure RCA Rules of Racing are adhered to at the CURC Regatta 

• Arrange for the safe and efficient annual running of the CURC Regatta 

• Work with the host institution to ensure that all standards of fair play are met 

• Work on long-term plans to improve the quality of the championships