President Update

President Update, Katie Edwards

Since the last meeting:

1. Sent a note of condolence to Holy Cross;

2. Been working with RCA around USports application and we have their support;

3. Been talking with USports and we are in the very early stages of the process;

4. Good uptake on the survey -- thanks to Dan for his work on this important project;

5. Liaised with Judy Sutcliffe around the Chief Umpires report following CURCs. Will prepare a proposal

for next meeting to formalize the submission of the report to CURA.

March 18, 2020

Dear CURA Coaches:

I’m sure you’ve all been overwhelmed in recent days, in your roles as coaches, professionals, parents, citizens, and children of aging parents.

All of us coach because we care about the well-being of our athletes, and we all know the role that training plays in our athletes’ physical and mental health, and this disruption to both their athletic endeavours and their academic lives is stressful, to say the least.

As per the recently-released missive from Rowing Canada, we strongly encourage everyone to cease all group training, if not already mandated to do so by your university. According to Dr. Wilkinson, it is nearly impossible to maintain a group training environment that a) respects the 2m rule and b) ensures proper sanitization of the equipment. When athletes are exerting themselves, the droplets that spread the virus are likely to travel further than the normal 2m buffer zone.

So, a few updates and suggestions from the executive of CURA:

1. Please abide by the directives from your province, your municipality, and your university. We also urge you to be in full compliance with the recommendations from our NSO and your PSOs.

2. As of now, FISU is proceeding as planned, pending a selection of a venue. Of course, we are anticipating much to change on that front, but there is no official word yet.

3. CURCs are still being planned, to be held in Ontario this fall. We are hopeful that summer and fall racing will not be heavily impacted by this, but again, we just have to wait and see.

4. If you are concerned about RADAR submissions, please contact Chuck McDiarmid at RCA.

5. Many universities (and OUA, and U Sports) have placed a moratorium on recruiting visits. It goes without saying that these activities are not essential travel and should cease.

I wish you well in the next phase, as you support your athletes remotely. I also hope you are taking care of yourselves!

Best wishes,

Katie Edwards

Dan Bechard

Craig Pond

Dave Leger

Katie Edwards