Documents 2023

President: Katie Edwards

Vice-President Eligibility- Jenn Durward-Ontario Tech (2023)

Vice President CURCs - Zak Lewis (2023)

Secretary/Treasurer- Katie Breuggeling (2018)

Past President- Craig Pond (2018)

Date: Monday, November 13th Time: 8 am

Location: Zoom and TBD

1. Call to Order

a. President welcome and introductions

2. Establish Quorum

3. Approval of the Agenda

4. Approval of Previous Meeting’s Minutes

a. Business arising from the minutes

5. Executive Reports

a. President – K. Edwards

b. VP, Eligibility – J. Durward

c. VP, CURC – D. Bechard

d. Secretary – K. Bruggeling

e. Past President – C. Pond

6. Standing Committee Reports

a. Playing Regulations Review Committee

7. Regional Updates

a. Atlantic – K. Edwards

b. Central – Matt Waddell/Dan Bechard

c. Prairies – ????

d. Coastal – M. Pearce

8. Unfinished Business

a. VP, CUs

i. Intro & Nominees - C. Pond

ii. Voting

b. Meeting Date Proposal

a. Intro - K. Edwards

b. Subcommittee Recommendation

c. Executive Recommendation

d. Voting

9. New Business


10. Adjournment