Semi Annual Executive Meeting

Annual Executive Meeting Agenda

Thursday, January 28th

Present: Katie Edwards, Dan Bechard, Dave Leger, Craig Pond, & Katie Bruggeling

1. RCA Presentation

a. Review of structure and roles

2. CURA 2021

a. Need to establish drop dead date

b. Will depend largely on host (P. Somerwil)


a. Highly unlikely this year

b. Will discuss further and the future in meeting

4. Erg Challenge

a. Late March (15th-31st)

b. Variety of formats – possibly 5k, 1’, 2k

c. Team vs. top 8?

d. Discuss with membership


a. No nominations yet

b. Send reminder with agenda

c. Dan able to stay on if needed

6. Playing Regulations Subcommittee

a. Need to fill with 2-3 people

b. Send call for volunteers with agenda

Canadian University Rowing Association Executive Meeting –

Minutes November 6, 2021

Present: Dan Bechard, Katie Bruggeling, Katie Edwards, and Craig Pond

1. Overview • High participation – 21 universities

• Future regatta sites and improvements

• Elections

2. Playing Regulations • Need to be updated to reflect recent approved proposals

• CP to discuss with playing regulations subcommittee

• KB to send version stored in CURA google drive

3. Website • Good website

• Who runs it? Aalbert Van Schothorst - UVIC

• Add to governance structure duties?

4. Voting Procedure Review • CP to run