Documents 2019

President: Katie Edwards

Vice-President Eligibility- David Legere

Vice President CURCs - Daniel Bechard

Secretary/Treasurer- Katie Breuggeling

Past President- Craig Pond


1) President’s Welcome and Introduction of new Executive

2) Approval of the Agenda

3) Approval of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting

4) Business Arising from the AGM Minutes

5) Executive Reports

a) President’s Report – Edwards

b) VP Eligibility – Leger

c) VP CURC- Bechard

i) 2019 UVic – updates

ii) Consideration of 2020 venue

d) Secretary/Treasurer Report – Bruggeling

e) Past President Report – Pond

6) Regional Updates

a) Atlantic – Edwards

b) Central – Somerwil

c) Prairies –Laidlaw

d) West – Pearce

7) Committee Reports

a) Constitution – Somerwil, Waddell, Burak

b Rules and Regulations – Somerwil, Schweinbenz, Parkes, Love

c) Nominations - Somerwil

d) Eligibility – Leger, Hedrei

8) New Business: Proposals, Discussion, Voting

a) Constitution – Waddell

b) Eligibility – Leger

c) Interuniversity – Laidlaw

d) Scoring – Pearce

e) Voting – Pearce

9) Adjournment