Notices of Motion


1. Any member university or individual may submit a proposal to CURA.

2. The standard proposal form should be used, and include any necessary supporting documentation.

3. The proposal should be submitted to the Secretary of CURA, who will forward to the appropriate subcommittee.

4. Proposals will be submitted no fewer than 8 weeks prior to the meeting date (September 1st for consideration in November; December 1st for consideration in January.)

5. Upon receipt of the proposal, the subcommittee will:

a. Review the proposal;

b. Meet and discuss;

c. Determine next steps, which may include a survey of the membership or key components of it; consultation with external sources; and/or any other steps deemed appropriate by the subcommittee;

d. If necessary, bring the proposal to the next CURA meeting (including supporting information, to be disseminated no more than one week prior to the meeting) and coordinate voting;

e. Prepare a written response based on all gathered information, including voting results; and

f. Submit the response to the original proposer and the Secretary.

6. The Secretary will keep a record of all proposals and submit them quarterly to the CURA membership.


1. A proposal may be submitted at any time, but no later than September 1st/December 1st. Proposals that fail to meet the deadline will be considered in the next cycle.

2. In the event that a subcommittee receives an abundance of proposals, it will prioritize proposals and alert proposers if their proposal is being held over until the next cycle.

3. The subcommittee’s report should include:

a. Examples from other bodies/organizations

b. Possible outcomes and consequences

c. Costs and benefits

d. Final recommendation and reasoning

4. Between 8 and 3 weeks before the meeting, the subcommittee should survey the membership, gather info, etc.

5. Subcommittee must provide a report of all information gathered and submit to the secretary no later than 21 days prior to any meeting. The secretary must submit findings from the subcommittee to the membership no later than 14 days prior to any meeting.

6. At the meeting, the executive will review the subcommittee’s recommendation and communicate the executive’s collective stance on the matter. Voting will then take place.

7. The subcommittee’s written response will be included in the minutes of the meeting.


In order for proposals to be considered for the November meeting, proposals are due September 1st. For consideration at the January meeting, proposals are due December 1st.

All forms should be submitted to CURA Secretary, Katie Bruggeling:

Date of Submission:

Send To:




Phone Number:

Please outline the proposal below, including any pertinent references to CURA documents. Include supporting attachments, if necessary.