Schools Without a Program

Date of Submission:

Nov 30, 2018

Send To:


Katie Bruggeling


Mark Laidlaw


Phone Number:


Please outline the proposal below, including any pertinent references to CURA documents. Include supporting attachments, if necessary.

Under our current playing regulations, there is no specific allowance for athletes who are attending schools that do not have a rowing program, or who are otherwise geographically-isolated from their CURA member institution, to compete at the Canadian University Rowing Championships. There are (at least) two separate scenarios for which this could be considered:

1. The athlete’s school does not have a rowing program at all;

2. The athlete is attending a CURA member institution, but the academic program is delivered in a location that makes access to that school’s rowing program impossible/unreasonable

Some interuniversity sports in Canada have adopted policies that allow for the above situations. For example, the Canadian University and College Ringette Association states that “Up to 15% [of a team’s roster] may be composed of: i. part-time students from that same university, and/or ii. Full-time students from another recognized post-secondary institution in the area” where “in the area” is defined as “the nearest institution, within the same province, using the most reasonably direct route of travel.”

One of CURA’s principles (C.2.1.1) is that “CURA shall promote ethics, fairplay, and the opportunity for all eligible athletes to participate in interuniversity sport while pursuing their education.” Under our current rules, there are athletes who are not given the opportunity to compete in the sport of rowing.

The U of C proposes that as many as ONE athlete per gender who fits the exceptions above could compete at the CURC for the CURA institution in the area, where “in the area” is defined as “the nearest CURA member institution, within the same province, using the most reasonably direct route of travel”.