
NB. In order for proposals to be considered for the November meeting, proposals are due September 1st. For consideration at the January meeting, proposals are due December 1st. All forms should be submitted to CURA Secretary, Katie


Date of Submission:

January 27, 2023


Send To:

Katie Bruggeling




From: Katie Edwards


E-mail: katieedwards2008@g


Phone Number: 902 449 1510

 Please outline the proposal below, including any pertinent references to CURA documents. Include supporting attachments, if necessary.

I propose that we shift the date of the semi-annual meeting, from the last weekend in January to a weeknight in May. Currently, the date of the meetingcoincides with the RCA conference, but as fewer coaches attend the conference and with the advent of technology that allows us to easily meet virtually, it makes more sense to hold our meeting halfway between CURCs.

I further propose that this take effect in 2024: we would not meet formally the weekend of the conference; rather, we would meet in the first two weeks ofMay, 2024.


This would have knock-on effects for some of our procedures (we’d have to shift due dates for proposals, etc.), but would allow for greaterdevelopment of ideas – and prevent the 10-month gap we currently have between meetings, which can stifle progress.

Constitution Committee Review

From a constitutional perspective, I don't think the proposal requires much commentary. It's a clear change and members can simply decide which set of dates they'd prefer to meet on and vote accordingly.