Counselling DVDs

Training Videos for Therapists

Thought for Food

It's all too easy to imagine that the solution to issues around weight management is simply to exert a little willpower. To eat less, to start eating the “right” foods and to stop eating the “wrong” ones. Evidence suggests, however, that the issue is far more complex for the individual concerned. The fact that we have a multi million pound slimming industry in the UK, with magazines, special foods and clubs all dedicated to the concept of weight loss, and yet we still have an obesity problem indicates that a diet focussed strategy is not necessarily the most effective one to adopt.

Jan Gray argues that without considering the role that food plays in a person’s life such an approach is likely at best to fail and at worst to cause psychological harm. She offers a unique insight into an approach which doesn’t consider that the client is at fault, but rather, as a result of a series of life events, has developed a way of thinking about food which leaves them deeply vulnerable. As a consequence the initial focus of the work needs to be the thought processes - not the calories.

In preparation for this programme Jan conducted a series of counselling sessions with a colleague, Elaine Davies, playing the role of client. Though Elaine was “playing” the role of client, she was also working with a real issue, that of weight management, and this package includes three of these sessions in their entirity. It also includes a studio discussion in which Mike Simmons talks to Jan about the the way in which she works.

This programme consists of three full length counselling sessions and a studio discussion. It will be of value to anyone with a client who struggles with weight management.

Jan Gray is a BABCP Accredited Psychotherapist and Counsellor. with a specialism in food related issues, specifically problems associated with obesity and dieting. as a result of this interest she was invited to work in Wales' first specialist weight Management clinic where, since 2002 over 800 people have been treated. She combines a busy private practice in Gloucestershire with freelance training.

Elaine Davies is a BABCP Accredited Therapist, Supervisor and Trainer and a BACP Accredited Therapist, Supervisor and Trainer. She works as the CBT therapist and Locality Lead for 2gether NHS.

Double DVD Set:

Total running time - 3 hours 8 minutes

Price £60 including UK P&P

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