Counselling DVDs
Training Videos for Therapists
CBT for Depression
This, the third in Frank Wills’ series of CBT DVDs, addresses the application of the approach to depression, a treatment area in which CBT has a well-established track record. Working with a colleague taking the role of a client, Frank both demonstrates the approach, and discusses the progress of the work in a series of studio discussions.
Frank maintains that CBT at its simplest and best is about helping clients to experiment with ‘doing something different’ and ‘thinking something different’. Frank uses both ‘activity scheduling’ and ‘behavioural activation’ to demonstrate how to help this client re-establish the more socially active stance that preceded her depression. He also uses various cognitive methods to explore and modify the client’s thoughts and beliefs that link with her negative, depressive patterns. In both the session and the studio discussion Frank is keen to explain how and why behavioural and cognitive interventions actually work. He also uses the discussion to reflect on the therapeutic relationship and interpersonally immediate aspects of CBT.
You can download an extract from the booklet here.
Running Time: 1 hour 46 minutes
with booklet
Price £70 including UK P&P
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