Counselling DVDs

Training Videos for Therapists

A Personal First Aid Kit

Who cares for the Carer? A question that’s all too often asked, but one that regularly results in little more than a tired shrug of the shoulders. In this DVD Jacqui Atkinson demonstrates an easily taught technique for self care that can be of benefit to anybody experiencing stress of any sort. In a guided conversation she helps a “client” to develop a “first aid kit” that he can draw on whenever he needs to - a resource that will always be available, and always be familiar.

As Jacqui explains, it’s easy to believe that self care is selfish and self indulgent, but if we don’t look after ourselves we very quickly become depleted - and then feel we have nothing left to offer others.

Jacqui Atkinson is a counsellor, trainer and supervisor. She is a founder member of ACTO, the Association for Counsellors and Therapists Online, and has a private practice which she runs from South Wales and Europe, using a range of new technologies to work with her clients.

Total Running Time - 51 minutes

with accompanying leaflet

Price £25 including UK P&P

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