Online Therapy Review

This informative DVD is aimed at counsellors who are considering delivering counselling online. Mike Simmons interviews Jacqui Atkinson, a counsellor and a founder member of the Association of Therapists and Counsellors Online (ATCO), and asks her to share her experiences of working online with clients.

A number of key themes are covered including the main differences between face-to-face and online counselling, the advantages and disadvantages of online work and some of the issues that might arise when working with clients online. Jacqui also covers the different online media that can be used, including synchronous and asynchronous email, Skype and text. Based on her own experiences, she offers practical suggestions for arranging fees and obtaining payment, and how to maintain confidentiality and therapeutic boundaries.

This DVD will be a useful purchase if you are seriously considering doing some work with clients online and you are inexperienced in this area. For your money you will get an informative discussion about the issues you can expect and how to prepare for them. The DVD also includes a short (seven minutes) ‘extras’ section that demonstrates how to use Skype. Indeed, some other demonstrations of the process of delivering counselling online would have been a particularly helpful addition. Nevertheless, this is a useful introduction to the field.

Reviewed by Sarah Bateup

Sarah Bateup is a BABCP accredited cognitive behavioural therapist, lecturer and Clinical Lead at PsychologyOnline.

First published in Therapy Today November 2013

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