Test - Health Promotion

Health Promotion


(With answers)

Questions with lettered options are “Choose one best answers.”

Questions with numbered options are “mulitple response” using the following key:

A if 1, 2, and 3 are correct.

B if 1 and 3 are correct.

C if 2 and 4 are correct.

D if 4 is correct.

E if 1, 2, 3, and 4 are correct.

Which of the following statements on HEALTH PROMOTION is/are valid?


1. It is complementary to disease prevention.

2. It is the first step to disease prevention.

3. It starts with people who are basically healthy by enhancing positive behaviors that promote well-being and strengthening community measures and individual lifestyles for the maintenance of good health.

4. It is concerned with reducing, preventing or controlling negative behaviors or lifestyle that increase the risk to illness or certain forms of diseases.

Which of the following statements on HEALTH PROMOTION is/are valid?


1. Health promotion to be more effective should begin from conception and continue to old age.

2. Health seeking practices and positive personal habits acquired early in life are the best protection against diseases and illnesses.

3. Better economic opportunities promote health development in that it improves income opportunity and fuels the government’s capacity to provide more services to the people.

4. Adverse environmental changes at home and the workplace have negative impact on health promotion.

Which of the following statements on HEALTH PROMOTION is/are valid?


1. Health promotion cost less than curative health treatment.

2. Health education is the most cost-effective strategy for health promotion.

3. Health promotion is an individual person’s responsibility.

4. Legislative actions can help promote health in community and individuals.

Which of the following promotes HEALTH?


1. Exercise

2. Positive mental health

3. Hygiene

4. Avoidance of substance abuse
