Course Pack - Contents and How To Use

The Course Pack

Contents and How to Use


The Course Pack on Health Management consists of an introductory folder and six (6) main folders:

Introductory Folder

Folder 1: Instructional Design

Folder 2: Trigger Problems

Folder 3: Problem-based Learning Issues

Folder 4: Learning Objectives

Folder 5: Learning Resource Materials and References

Folder 6: Evaluation

Introductory Folder

This folder contains the title page, goals and strategy of health management, table of content, about the authors, preface, etc.

Folder 1: Instructional Design

This folder contains the overall course plan.

Folder 2: Trigger Problems

This folder contains hypothetical and actual problems for solution and management.

Folder 3: Problem-based Learning Issues

This folder contains the instructions and a form on which a student can write down problem-based learning issues.

Folder 4: Learning Objectives

This folder contains general and specific learning objectives of the course and its units.

Folder 5: Learning Resource Materials and References

This folder contains a list of recommended learning resource materials, references, and selected and prepared manuscripts.

Folder 6: Evaluation

This folder contains evaluation guides, test blueprints and pretest/posttest questions.

How to Use

Initial Steps:

Start by reading the Introductory Folder then the overall Instructional Design in Folder 1.

Subsequent Steps:

This consists of the study and learning proper.

Start with Unit 1, then Unit 2, then Unit 3 and lastly, Unit 4.

Thus, the elemental sequence of studying the manuscripts in the course pack consist of:

1. Start with Introductory Folder

2. Overall Instructional Design

3. Unit 1

4. Unit 2

5. Unit 3

6. Unit 4

How to Get the Manuscripts

1. Go to Table of Contents.

2. The manuscripts are filed by general folders and by units.

3. Click on the needed manuscripts.

Guided Study of the Course Pack (Step by Step and Unit by Unit)

1. Begin with “Course Proper Introduction”.

2. From this page, you will be guided step by step and unit by unit until you complete the course. “Connecting Instruction” can be seen at the end of the page.

3. If you get lost along the way, either go back to “Course Proper Introduction” or to “contents”.

Overall Advice:

During the study proper, be constantly guided by the instructional design, especially the learning objectives, which shall serve as the steering wheel in whatever that should be done in the course. This includes the evaluation.

If you have any question, please. do not hesitate to write me through my email address:

Reynaldo O. Joson, MD, MHPEd

