Test - Concept of Health and Disease

Concept of Health and Disease


(With answers)

Questions with lettered options are “Choose one best answers.”

Questions with numbered options are “mulitple response” using the following key:

A if 1, 2, and 3 are correct.

B if 1 and 3 are correct.

C if 2 and 4 are correct.

D if 4 is correct.

E if 1, 2, 3, and 4 are correct.

An individual can be considered to be HEALTHY if he/she


1. Is asymptomatic and functional

2. Has NO health complaint

3. Manifest nothing unusual with respect to structure (anatomy) and function (physiology)

4. Is asymptomatic and functional but with the POSSIBILITY of having an occult disease

An individual can be considered to be HEALTHY if he/she


1. Is asymptomatic and functional

2. Has NO health complaint

3. Manifest nothing unusual with respect to structure (anatomy) and function (physiology)

4. Is asymptomatic and functional but with the PROBABILITY or LIKELIHOOD of having an occult disease

Four individuals (He/she) with different health scenarios are described. All of them are asymptomatic and functional. Which of them are considered HEALTHY?


1. He/she is obese.

2. He/she is thin.

3. He/she was previously treated for cancer and has NO health complaint at present.

4. He/she was previously treated for diabetes and has NO health complaint at present.

Four individuals (He/she) with different health scenarios are described. All of them are asymptomatic and functional. Which of them are considered HEALTHY?


1. He/she is a dwarf. However, he/she is socially and economically productive.

2. He/she had a polio during childhood. One lower extremity is atrophic or shorter or smaller than the opposite extremity. He/she walks with a cane. He/she has a job and is living alone.

3. He/she has been asymptomatic and functional until a cancer was discovered on screening. He/she was NOT aware of the screening finding. He/she remains asymptomatic.

4. He/she has been asymptomatic and functional until a cancer was discovered on screening. When he/she learned of the screening finding, he/she became depressed.

Four individuals (He/she) with different health scenarios are described. All of them are asymptomatic and functional but are NOT aware of the presence of an occult condition being present. Which of them are considered HEALTHY?


1. He/she has cancer in the lung.

2. He/she has mild hypertension.

3. He/she has mild diabetes mellitus.

4. He/she has a positive Human Immuno-deficiency Virus on screening exam.

Four individuals (He/she) with different health scenarios are described. All of them are asymptomatic and functional despite the knowledge of presence of a condition in their body. Which of them are considered HEALTHY?


1. He/she has mild to moderate hemorrhoids.

2. He/she has 1-cm lipoma on the back.

3. He/she has mild hypertension.

4. He/she has pimples on the face.

Which of the following statements on SCREENING for diseases is/are valid?


1. It is done on persons who are asymptomatic.

2. It is done to promote earlier discovery of a disease.

3. To be cost-effective, it is done on persons who are asymptomatic and at high risk of having an occult disease.

4. The most important parameter for the indication of a screening procedure is whether it has impact on the survival, in other words, whether it can avoid premature death.

Which of the following statements on SCREENING for diseases is/are valid?


1. It has advantages and disadvantages.

2. It can change the health status of a person from being healthy to unhealthy.

3. It can lead to an earlier discovery of an occult disease.

4. It can change the health status of a person from being unhealthy to healthy.

Which of the following statements on DEATH, DISEASES, and HEALTH is/are valid?


1. Death is a fact of life, meaning all persons will eventually die.

2. Barring murder and accident, death is always preceded by a disease.

3. Disease is a fact of life, meaning all persons will have disease/s in their whole lifetime.

4. There is NO such thing as permanently healthy status in individuals, families, and communities.

Which of the following statements on DEATH, DISEASES, and HEALTH is/are valid?


1. There will always be top 10 causes of mortality and morbidity in any community.

2. If communicable diseases is number 1 in the list of top 10 causes of mortality at present, in the future, it they may be dislodged by non-communicable diseases in the top 10 list.

3. The top 10 list of mortality and morbidity points to the inevitability of death and diseases in a community.

4. The health of a community is best evaluated based on the magnitude of each of the top 10 causes of mortality and morbidity rather than on which disease is number 1 or number 2.

Considering the concept of health and disease, the realistic goals of physicians managing a patient are:


1. To cure if possible.

2. To try to control the disease, as much as possible.

3. To try to prevent the development of a disease as much as possible.

4. To always promote and maintain a good quality of life for all persons with a health problem.
