There are many individuals who resided in New Mexico in the seventeenth century that have not been identified in printed works of New Mexico history and genealogy. One of these individuals was Juan Esteban de Fagoaga, born circa 1607, a native of the Valle de Ollarzu in the Basque province of Vizcaya. He owned and lived on his Estancia de Santiago, located twelve leagues (approximately twenty-six miles) from Santa Fe in the Sandia jurisdiction. Fagoaga was part of a group of citizens that disliked Governor don Juan Manso, and Fagoaga was one of the “enemigos capitales” (main enemies) of Manso.
Juan Estevan de Fagoaga was single in April 1662, and there is no indication that he left any children in New Mexico. He died on 18 May 1662 and was buried 19 May in the church of Sandia.
Researcher: José Antonio Esquibel
Sources: AGN, Inquisición, t. 593, f. 313-318, 320; AGN, Galería, t. 3, leg. 1, no.1, f.105v.