González Lobón

Juan González Lobón (ONMF: 39) gave his age as fifty-two in 1660 (AGN, Inquisición, t . 587: 312) and not age forty as indicated by Chávez. This gives his estimated birth year as 1608. In addition, he declared he was born "en la billa de San Gabriel que fue la primera de estas dhas provincias y despues de esta de Santa Fe" ("in the Villa of San Gabriel, the first one in these said provinces and after this [he was] from this one of Santa Fe").

With this information, it appears that Juan's father, Domingo González (ONMF: 38), was in New Mexico and at San Gabriel as early as 1608, nine years earlier that previously known. Giving testimony at Santa Fe on 14 June 1660, Juan González Lobón spoke poorly of the Franciscan friars, complaining that they gave dispensations between related couples too easily. Furthermore, to illustrate the incompetence of the friars and their neglect of duty in administering the sacraments, Juan testified that his father took him and his siblings to the plaza of the Valle de San Bartolomé to be confirmed by the bishop. Specifically, he recalled he was confirmed in the Church of San Pedro in the Valle de San Bartolomé.

Researcher: José Antonio Esquibel

Source: Archivo General de la Nación, Mexico, Inquisición, t. 587: 309-312.


Capitán Diego González Lobón (ONMF: 39) appeared as a witness in a case presented by Capitán Pedro Martínez Moya in January 1663. González Lobón identified himself as a vecino de Santa Fe and gave his age as twenty-five, indicating he was born circa 1638.

Researcher: José Antonio Esquibel

Source: Archivo General de la Nación, Tierras, t. 3268, f. 296-296v.