Roybal y Torrado-Santa Cruz

Research conducted in Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain, yielded further information on the family of Ignacio de Roybal y Torrado (ONMF: 273). Ignacio was a native of Caldas de Reyes, Galicia, and identified himself as a legitimate son of Pedro Roybal and Elena de Santa Cruz.

Pedro Roybal, also know as Pedro Torrado, and Elena de Santa Cruz, also known as Elena de Cruz/Elena da Cruz, had these following children who were baptized in Santo Tomé Church in Caldas de Reyes:

Martina, bautizada 14 Noviembre 1655, hija de Pedro de Ruibal y de su muger Ylena da Cruz. Padrinos: Josephe do Casal y Ana Rodríguez, muger de Andres da Cruz

María, 20 Febrero 1659, hija de Pedro de Rruibal y de su muger Ylena da Cruz. Padrinos: Andrés da Cruz y Dominga Farina, muger de Bartolomé González

Antonio, 15 Mayo 1662, hijo de Pedro de Roibal y de Helena da Cruz, su muger. Padrinos: Domingo de Senin y María de Sabugueiro

Marcos, 29 Enero 1665, hixo de Pedro de Ruybal y de Elena da Cruz. Padrinos: Domingo de Senin y Dominga de Magarenos, su muger

Mathías, 23 Febrero 1670, hixo de Pedro Torrado y de Yrena de Cruz. Padrinos: Antonio de Requexa y Catalina do Real

Dionicio, 12 Octubre1672, hijo de Pedro Torrado y su muger Elena de Crus. Padrinos: Domingo Rodríguez y Antonia de Senin.

According to this information, Pedro de Roybal y Torrado and Elena de Santa Cruz were married by 1655. Although a marriage record was not located for this couple in the records of Caldas de Reyes, a marriage record was found for a person who appears to have been brother of Pedro Roybal y Torrado who married a sister of Elena de la Cruz.

On 15 February 1649 in the church of Santo Tomé of Caldas de Reyes, Phelipe de Ruibal, son of Alonso de Ruibal y Maria Alonso, vecinos of San Christóbal [?] was married with Dominga Farina [also known as Dominga de Cruz], daughter of Pedro de Santa Cruz and of Dominga Farina, vecinos of Santa María. The witnesses to this union were Francisco de Valinas, Amaro Berde, and Francisco de Castro. It is probable that Phelipe de Ruibal was a brother of Pedro Roybal, and it is certain that Dominga Farina (also known as Dominga de Cruz) was a sister of Elena de Santa Cruz.

Andrés Cruz and Dominga Farina were padrinos for a child of Pedro Roybal y Torrado and Elena de Santa Cruz. This fact serves to corroborate information found in the genealogy of Elena de Santa Cruz that is based on baptismal, marriage, and burial records concerning the Santa Cruz-Farina family.

The grandparents of Elena de Santa Cruz were Gregorio Farina and Elena de Lantano. This couple had at least two daughters, Teresa Farina y Lantano, baptized 25 January 1604, Santo Tomé, Caldas de Reyes, and Dominga Farina.

The marriage record of Dominga Farina is dated 1 March 1613, Santo Tomé Church, Caldas de Reyes. She was identified as the "hija de Gregorio Farina y de Elena de Lantano, vecinos desta villa," and was marrying "Pedro de Santa Cruz, vecino desta villa." The witnesses to this marriage were "Alonso Martínez , cezarenos, Juan Gonzales, escrivanos, y Gonzalo Farina, alcalde de dicha villa."

Unfortunately, the parents of Pedro de Santa Cruz were not mentioned. This could have been because Pedro was a widower, although this is not specifically stated in the marriage record. He may be the same person as Pedro de Santa Cruz, son of Juan de Santa Cruz and Mencia Pérez [?], both deceased, who was married 6 August 1601, Santo Tomé Church, Caldas de Reyes, with Francisca de Barrosela, daughter of Gregorio de Barrosela and María Yor [?]. Certainly, additional documentation is needed to substantiate this. Pedro de Santa Cruz and Dominga Farina were the parents of the following known children who were baptized in Santo Tomé Church, Caldas de Reyes:

Dominga, bautizada 3 March 1614, hija de Pedro de Sancta Cruz y de su muger Dominga Farina. Padrinos: Domingo de Sinin y María Gonzalez

Andrés, bautizado 4 December 1616, hijo de Pedro de Santa Cruz y de su muger Dominga Farina. Padrinos: Gregorio Freyroy y María de Gontad

Mona, bautizada 20 November 1618, hija de Pedro de Santa Cruz y de su muger Dominga Farina. Padrinos: Gonzalo Boceta y Catalina López

Domingos, bautizado 10 July 1625, hijo de Pedro de Sancta Cruz y de su muger Dominga Farina. Padrinos: Gregorio do Casal y María Pineyra, muger de Bartolomé Negueyro

Helena, bautizada 21 August 1630, hija de Pedro de Santa Cruz y de Dominga Farina. Padrino: Lorenzo Pérez y María Sosa

Pedro de Santa Cruz died 5 September 1647, Caldas de Reyes. His burial record (Santo Tomé Church, Caldas de Reyes) indicates that he had received all the Holy Sacraments before his death and that he did not leave a will because he was poor, and he also did not have the means to afford to be buried inside the church. As such, his son, "Andrés da Cruz" was obliged to pay for "la fábrica y su mayordomo." This burial record reads: "5 Septiembre 1647, Murió Pedro de Santa Cruz el qual murio sacramentado de todos los sanctos sacramentos. No hizo testamento ni dejo ningun segayo por ser pobre y no tener de que enterrose dentro de la Iglesia de esta villa; en sepultura de tres Be[?] su hijo Andres da Cruz se obligo pagar a la fabrica y a su mayordomo y lo firmo en dicho deia de arriba."

It appears that the widow of Pedro de Santa Cruz, Dominga Farina, became the wife of Bartolomé González, as noted when she stood as madrina (with her son Andrés da Cruz) for a daughter of Pedro Roybal and Elena de Santa Cruz who was baptized 20 February 1659. We also learn from another baptismal record for a child of Pedro Roybal and Elena de Santa Cruz, that Andrés de Cruz, Elena's brother, was married with Ana Rodríguez (see baptism 14 November 1655 above).

Dominga Farina, mother of Elena de Santa Cruz, died on 1 November 1664, Caldas de Reyes. Her burial record is brief and reads: "1 Noviembre 1664, Dominga Farina, madre de Andrés de Cruz, pobre tubo en su entierro."

Unfortunately, the research into the church record of Caldas de Reyes did not turn up the baptismal record of Ignacio de Roybal y Torrado, progenitor of the Roybal family of New Mexico. From records in New Mexico we know that Ignacio was born circa 1673 in Caldas de Reyes (ONMF: 273), indicating he was apparently the youngest child of Pedro de Roybal y Torrado and Elena de Santa Cruz, being the seventh child of the seven known children of this couple.

Ignacio de Roybal y Torrado did not have the opportunity to get to know his father very well. At around the age of six, his father died. His father did not leave a will. The burial record for "Pedro Torrado" from Santo Tomé Church, Caldas de Reyes, reads: "8 March 1679, Pedro Torrado, no hizo testamento ninguno, murio con todos los sacramentos."

As noted by Chávez (ONMF: 276), Ignacio de Roybal y Torrado could have had a younger brother. Domingo de Roybal, born around 1679, was in New Mexico where he married Juana Gómez in 1713 in the Church of San Ildefonso. Domingo could have been the last child of Pedro de Roybal y Torrado and Elena de Santa Cruz and named after Elena's mother [Dominga].

Researchers: Robert D. Martínez and Janice Martínez for the Sephardic Legacy Project of New Mexico, Dr. Stanley M. Hordes, Director. Summary prepared by José Antonio Esquibel.

Sources: Archivo Histórico Diocesano, Santiago de Compostela, Caldas de Reies, Santo Tomé (Santo Tomás), Libros Sacramentales: Bautizados 1594 - 1758, Número 4; Casados 1585 - 1772 y Difuntos 1586 - 1758, Número 7.