
Don Manuel Delgado (ONMF: 168-169) was teniente del Real Presidio de San Elizario in the jurisdiction of El Paso del Norte when he was married at the church of Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe on 22 June 1779. His marriage record described him as a native of the Real y Minas de Pachuca and the legitimate son of don Antonio Delgado and doña Xaviera Chabarría. His bride was doña María Josefa García de Noriega, legitimate daughter of don José García de Noriega and doña Rosalía Velarde, vecinos of El Paso del Norte. The witness to this union was Juan José Gradillos. Don Manuel and doña Josefa were veiled 8 January 1781.

Fray Angélico Chávez had thought that because of the age disparity between don Manuel and doña Josefa, as found in the 1790 census of Santa Fe, that don Manuel may have had a previous wife. The marriage record for this couple indicates he was single when he and doña Josefa were married.

Don Manuel Francisco Delgado, progenitor of the Delgado family of New Mexico, was baptized 30 December 1738, Pachuca, Nueva España. His parents, Antonio de Molina Delgado and Juana Xaviera de Rivera Chavarría were residents of the area of Pachuca, Nueva España. They also had these other children:

Juana Josepha de Molina Delgado, baptized about 6 March 1725, Pachuca, Nueva España (State of Hidalgo, Mexico).

Manuel Antonio de Molina Delgado, baptized about 22 January 1727, Pachuca, Nueva España (State of Hidalgo, Mexico).

Francisco Lorenzo de Molina Delgado baptized about 14 August 1732, Pachuca, Nueva España (State of Hidalgo, Mexico).

There is a diligencia matrimonial (pre-nuptial investigation record) from the church of Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, El Paso del Norte, dated 5 December 1778 for don Manuel Delgado, teniente of the Presidio of Agua Verde, legitimate son of don Antonio Delgado and doña Juana Rivera Chavarría, both deceased citizens of the Real de Pachuca, and doña María Josepha García de Noriega, legitimate daughter of Capitán of the Militia don Joseph García de Noriega and doña Rosalía Velarde Cosío, native and citizen of El Paso (Catholic Archives of Texas 3: 780, only a fragment of the DM survives). From this information, it appears that doña Rosalía Velarde Cosío may have been a descendant of Juan Antonio Pérez Velarde (native of Asturias, Spain) and doña Juana de Valverde y Cosío (ONMF: 308).

Doña Rosalía Velarde was enumerated as a widow in the 1790 census of El Paso as follows —Velarde, Da Rosalia: Española, 50, has two sons, 20 and 14; two daughters, 14 and 12; a female orphan, 8 (1790-607).

Researchers: Edmundo Delgado, Claire Ortiz Hill, José Antonio Esquibel, John B. Colligan and Terry L. Corbett.

Sources: Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico, Marriages, LDS microfilm #0162719; Pachuca, Hidalgo, Mexico, Baptisms, LDS microfilm # 1985245; International Genealogical Index, Mexico; John B. Colligan and Terry L. Corbett, "A Guide to the 1788 and 1790 Censuses of El Paso del Norte Arranged Alphabetically and Listed to Indicate Possible Family Groupings."


A search of the International Genealogical Index provides some valuable information regarding the Delgado family of Pachuca. The parents of Manual Delgado (ONMF: 168) were don Antonio Delgado and doña Xaviera Chavarría.

Two additional siblings of Manuel Delgado who were baptized at the Church of Asunción in Pachuca were Maria Xaviera, baptized 14 August 1723, Luysa Gonsaga Delgado baptized 23 June 1729, and Maria Ysabel, baptized 8 July 1733 (LDS microfilm #1985245). The parents are identified as Antonio de Molina Delgado and Juana Xaviera Chavarría.

The mother of Manuel Delgado, Juana Xaviera Chavarría, appears to be the same person listed as Juana Jabiera Chabarría Hurena, baptized 28 June 1701, Asunción Church, Mineral del Monte, Hidalgo (near Pachuca). Her parent's names are given as Pedro de Chabarria Buitrón and Maria Francisca de Hurena.

There are two marriage record listings related to the parents of Juana Xaviera Chavarría Buitrón. The first is dated 1 September 1698, Asunción Church, Mineral del Monte, Hidalgo, for Pedro de Chabarria and Maria Francisco de Vrena [Urena]. The second is dated 23 February 1700, Asunción Church, Mineral del Monte, Hidalgo, for Pedro de Chavarria Guitrón and María Francisca de Vrena [Urena]. Most likely, the first record is the marriage record and the second is a record of velación (veiling).

It is highly recommended that the interested researcher order the microfilm copies of the church records noted above to extract the actual records. These records are likely to contain additional valuable information, particularly the names of padrinos and parents.

Researchers: Claire Ortiz Hill

Source:LDS International Genealogical Index,


Pedro de Chavarría (also known as Pedro de Chavarría Butrón) and María Francisca de Vreña (also known as Ureña) (the maternal grandparents of Manuel Delgado—ONMF: 168-69) were married on 1 September 1698, in the church of La Asunción in Mineral del Monte, near Pachuca. Unfortunately, the names of the parents were not given in the record. This couple was veiled, receiving the nuptial blessings of the Catholic Church, on 23 February 1700. Both were identified as natives of Pachuca and were residents of the Real del Monte. Although both were regarded as españoles, their marriage was recorded in the Libro de Castas (the book for mixed-races).

Researcher: Clair Ortiz Hill

Source: Marriages, La Asunción Church, Mineral del Monte, LDS # 0266948.