Tenorio de Alba

Miguel Tenorio de Alba (ONMF: 293 & 395), native of Zacatecas and born circa 1675, had a brother named Nicolás Tenorio who was married in Zacatecas on 8 December 1686. A premarital investigation record dated 22 November 1686, Zacatecas, identified Nicolás "Thenorio" as español and a legitimate son of "Juan Thenorio y Da Josepha Lopes Sandobal." Nicolás sought to marry María de Rada, española and a native of Zacatecas, legitimate daughter of Joseph de Rada, deceased, and Ygnés de Arteaga. All these individuals were identified as españoles and originarios of Zacatecas. This indicates that Juan Tenorio and Josefa López de Sandobal were natives of Zacatecas.

Nicolás Tenorio signed his petition to marry María de Rada. In further testimony, he declared he was age twenty-five (born circa1661) and that his parents were españoles y vecinos of Zacatecas. The three witnesses to the investigation were: Nicolás Mendoza, age sixty, español and vecino of Zacatecas, who knew the couple since birth in Zacatecas and declared there was no known impediment to their proposed marriage; Nicolás de Trevo, age fifty-one, español and vecino of Zacatecas, gave the same testimony, having known both since their birth; and Juan Bautista Gorrogín, age twenty-five, español and vecino of Zacatecas, who had known both all of their lives, and was aware of no impediment to the proposed marriage.

There is a premarital investigation dated 10 July 1686, Zacatecas, for Juan Bautista Gorrosín, age twenty-four, español, natural y vecino of Zacatecas, son of Juan de Gorrosín, deceased, and Nicolasa Ramírez de Briseño, who sought to marry Juana de Mendoza, age eighteen, española and daughter of Nicolás de Mendoza and María Francisca de Ulibarri.

Researcher: José Antonio Esquibel

Source: Informaciones Matrimoniales, Zacatecas, 1673-1692 (10 July 1686 & 22 November 1686), LDS microfilm # 0283372.


The following will was located at the Archivo Histórico de Zacatecas (hereafter referred to as AHEZ) and provides genealogical data pertinent to the Tenorio de Alba–López de Sandoval family that settled in New Mexico (ONMF: 293).

Zacatecas, 16 March 1674

Will, doña Ana de Mercado, vecina of Zacatecas; legitimate daughter of don Lope del Río and Ana Vasques de Mercado, both deceased; all born in la Villa de Xerez, married to Joseph López Sandoval, with the following children:

1. Josepha Lopes Sandoval, married to Juan Tenorio [parents of Miguel Tenorio, New Mexico colonist];

2. Alonso Lopes Sandoval, deceased;

3. Marcos Lopes

4. Xptoval [Cristóbal] Lopes Sandoval

5. Bernardina Lopes Sandoval, doncella

6. Fray Felipe Lopes Sandoval, Franciscan

7. Andrés Lópes and

8. Nicolasa López Sandoval, doncella;

Her mother had brought a dowry of 5,000 pesos . . .

Gives house of her residence to Xpoval Lopes; . . .

Witnesses: Juan Tenorio, Nicolas Tenorio and Carlos Triana y


SOURCE: AHEZ, Notarías 1608 – 1956, Notario: Laguna, José e la, 1672-84, 8 libros, Exp. 3, ff. 20v-21v

From this document we learn the names of the parents of Josepha Lópes de Sandobal, the mother of Miguel de Tenorio who settled in New Mexico. They are Joseph Lopes de Sandobal and Ana de Mercado. Ana de Mercado’s parents were Lope del Río and Ana Vasques de Mercado, residents of Villa de Xerés. Thus, this document extends the genealogy of this family back two generations.

From the following will, we learn that a certain Juan Tenorio died in the year 1664. Therefore, he could not have been the Juan Tenorio who married Josepha Lopes de Sandobal. Perhaps he was his father.

Testamento, 7 Abril 1674, Zacatecas

Maria de Molina, vecina, mayor de 25 años, hija y heredera de Catalina de Molina, mulata libre, vecina. Su hermana Francisca Sanchez, mujer legitima fue de Miguel Garcia, mercader de menudencias. Su madre fallecio por el año de 1659, mes de Febrero cuando ella tenia 5 o 6 años y su tutor fue Juan Tenorio, vecino y mercader que murio en 1664. Su hermana fallecio dejando hijos; su sobrina Catalina de Molina, hija de Miguel Garcia y su hermana. Que su parte se de a Maria de Molina que ella crio, casada con Salvador Garcia Zapatero.

SOURCE: AHEZ, Fondo: Notarías, Notario: Felipe de Espinosa, Libro: 7, Caja: 2, Año: 1674, no. 53

The declaration recorded below was made by Juan López de Sandobal. He named his wife as Ana Ruiz, and two children: Joseph López de Sandoval and Maria López de Sandoval. Could this Joseph López de Sandoval be the same man who married Ana de Mercado? If so, then Joseph’s parents were Juan López de Sandobal and Ana Ruiz. If not, he was most likely a brother of Joseph Lopez de Sandobal, husband of Ana Mercado.

Delarazion de forma de testar

15 Febrero 1692, Zacatecas

Juan Lopez de Sandobal, vezino de esta ciudad, estando enfermo en cama ... declaro que soy casado y velado segun horden ... con Ana Ruiz y durante su matrimonio avian tenido y procreado por sus hijos legitimos a Joseph Lopez de Sandoval y Maria López de Sandoval, declarlos por sus hijos legitimos...

SOURCE: AHEZ, Fondo: Notarías, Notario: Ignacio Gonzales Vergara, Caja: 7, Libro: 8, Año: 1692 , no. 4

A brother of Miguel Tenorio, Nicolás Tenorio, is recorded as passing on a house in Zacatecas in 1690. The document quoted below gives great detail as to the location of this house, which can be visited near the amazing ruins of the San Francisco Convent in that Mexican city. Nicolás passes the house on to Ignacio Francisco de Rivera and his wife Juana de Arellano. He lists as his reasons his lack of time spent at the house, an inability to pay taxes on the house, and his lack of complying with the care and maintenance of the building.

Traspaso de casa

29 Julio 1690, Zacatecas

Sepan quantos esta carta vieren como yo Nicolas Thenorio de Alva, vezino de esta ciudad ... Zacatecas, digo que por quanto tengo y poseo a zenso de por vidas una casa en frente del combento de Senor San Francisco de esta dicha ciudad, la qual linda por un lado con casas que eran de Maria de Carrasco, difunta y por otro lado con casas de doña Margarita de Messa, por dos vidas ... la cual dicha casa la traspaso (por que me hallo con mucha cortedad y que por ella no puedo pagar el senso i tampoco poder cumplir con la obligacion de edificarla y tenerla asi concertada) a Ygnacio Francisco de Rivera, maestro de albanil, por las dichas dos vidas, al suso dicho y a su mujer, Juana de Arellano ...

SOURCE: AHEZ, Fondo: Notarías, Notario: Ignacio Gonzales Vergara, Caja: 5, Libro: 6, Fechas: 1-2-1690 - 12-29-1690, no. 11

Below we find a complaint filed compelling Juan Tenorio to do something about his son, Miguel Tenorio, who at the time had no job and was apparently not a very motivated young man.

6 Diciembre 1689, una foja

Auto del capitan Gaspar de Larranaga alcalde ordinario en esta ciudad para que Juan Tenorio ponga eficaz remedio a su hijo Miguel Tenorio que esta sin oficio y ocioso.

SOURCE: AHEZ; Poder Judicial, criminal, Serie VIII: Cargos y Oficios, 1574-1930, Gremios, siglo XVII

The following document shows that, at one point, Juan Tenorio did try to get his son to master a trade, mainly that of a metalworker. Whether the trade worked out for Miguel or not is uncertain. Perhaps it was coming to New Mexico that led to Miguel’s maturing.

Aprendis fecho, Sepan quantos esta Carta Vieren Como yo Juan Thenorio Vezino de esta ciudad de nuestra Senora de los Zacatecas Digo que por quanto un hijo mio llamado Miguel Thenorio que sera de hedad de quinze años mas o menos se ha Ynilinado de su Voluntad a aprender el oficio de herrader... otorgo que lo pongo por aprendis del dicho ofizio de herrador con Hernando Vazan, vecino de esta ciudad Maestro examinado en dicho ofizio por tiempo de cinco años...

SOURCE: AHEZ, Fondo: Notarías, Notario: Laguna, José de la - libro 6 – 1682 Vol II, pg. 158

In summary, Miguel Tenorio de Alba was seemingly a precocious young man who eventually found his way north from Zacatecas to New Mexico to establish a family. His parents, Juan Tenorio and Josepha Lopes de Sandoval, were citizens and residents of Zacatecas, where they raised their children. Josepha Lopes de Sandoval, however, had roots at the Villa de Jerez, a community located near Zacatecas. Apparently her mother, Ana de Mercado, was from there, as we learn from her will that Ana’s parents were Lope del Río and Ana Vasques de Mercado and were from there as well. Josepha’s father was Joseph Lopes de Sandobal, who was possibly the son of Juan Lopes de Sandobal and Ana Ruiz. More research is needed to corroborate this theory. Finally, there is the possibility that Juan Tenorio was the son of a man of the same name who died in 1664.

Researchers: Sephardic Legacy Project of New Mexico—Stanley M. Hordes, Richard Salazar, and Robert D. Martínez. Summary by Robert D. Martínez.

Sources: AH.EZ, Notarías 1608 – 1956, Notario: Laguna, José de la, 1672-84, 8 libros, Exp. 3, ff. 20v-21v; AH.EZ, Fondo: Notarías, Notario: Felipe de Espinosa, Libro: 7, Caja: 2, Año: 1674, no. 53; AHEZ, Fondo: Notarías, Notario: Ignacio Gonzales Vergara, Caja: 7, Libro: 8, Año: 1692 , no. 4; AHEZ, Fondo: Notarías, Notario: Ignacio Gonzales Vergara, Caja: 5, Libro: 6, Fechas: 1-2-1690 - 12-29-1690, no. 11; AHEZ; Poder Judicial, criminal, Serie VIII: Cargos y Oficios, 1574-1930, Gremios, siglo XVII;AH.EZ, Fondo: Notarías, Notario: Laguna, José de la - libro 6 – 1682 Vol II, pg. 158.