Ruiz de Cáceres

Juan Ruiz de Cáceres (ONMF: 99) died intestate (without a last will and testament) before 11 December 1636. At this time, his estancia was in possession of "su Magd" (su Magestad/His Majesty) when two of his servants, Diego Hernández and Juan Jacobo, both "Yndios Mexicanos," complained to government officials about the behavior of Padre fray Francisco de la Concepción. They declared that the friar had posted a notice of excommunication on the door of the church at the pueblo of Isleta bearing their names. They claimed the friar excommunicated them for not attending "un dia de fiesta a misa" (one feast day). From this information, it appears that the estancia of Juan Ruiz de Cáceres was located in the jurisdiction of Isleta Pueblo.

Researcher: José Antonio Esquibel

Source: Archivos General de la Nación, Provincias Internas, t. 34:1 (folio 24/22), Reel #5, microfilm copy available at the New Mexico Records Center and Archives.