El Paso del Río del Norte Baptismal Records, 1662-1680

Baptismal Records of Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe del Paso del Río del Norte, 1662-1680: A Compilation

John B. Colligan and José Antonio Esquibel

Based on Extractions made by Walter V. McLaughlin, Jr.

The following compilation is based on a manuscript thesis of Walter V. McLaughlin, Jr. preserved at the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP). The thesis was submitted in August 1962, approved for the Department of History by John H. McNeely and Rex W. Strickland, and approved for the Graduate Division by Dean C. P. Sonnichsen. The original book of baptisms for the parish church of Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe del Paso del Río del Norte (1662-1688) were part of the Cleofas Calleros collection of documents pertaining to the El Paso del Norte area. Calleros allowed McLaughlin to use those records in the preparation of his thesis. Upon the death of Calleros, the book of baptisms were either lost during a flood, or even possibly sold. In either case, the original documents seem to be lost to us, and McLaughlin's thesis is our sole source at present for this information. A microfilm copy of McLaughlin's thesis is located at the El Paso Public Library and a copy of the manuscript is at the UTEP Library.

In this compilation, there are sixty-six baptismal entries. The names preserved in these entries offers a glimpse at the names of some of the people that resided at El Paso del Río del Norte between December 1662 and August 1680 before there was a influx of residents that fled from northern New Mexico due to the Pueblo Indian revolt.

The surnames that dominate these records include the Archuleta, Baca, García, González, Hernández, López de Gracia, Martín Serrano, and Montaño. Of particular note are the baptismal records for these individuals:

  • María (bt. December 22, 1662), a daughter of Francisco Ramírez de Salazar and Josefa López de Gracia.

  • María (bt. May 8, 1670), a daughter of Cristóbal Baca and Cecilia de Vitoria, natives of New Mexico, with Isabel Baca as the godmother.

  • Maria (September 1, 1675), a daughter of Juan Herrera and Juana Hernández.


[1] December 22, 1662, Andres, son of Sebastian Garcia and Maria Quetzitloma, his wife. Godparents: Captain Andres Lopes de Gracia and Maria Garcia Marques.

[2] February 6, 1663, Maria, daughter of Francisco Ramires and Jusepa [Josefa] Lopes [de Gracia], his wife. The girl being very ill, Capt. Andres [Lopez] de Gracia gave her the water and chrism. Godmother: Maria Garcia Marques was godmother.

[3] January 12, 1664, Gaspar Enasquoyo of the neighborhood. Godfather: Francisco Montaño.

[4] March 2, 1664, Maria Orte, age 34, and daughter, Juana, age 2 years. Godfather of mother and daughter: Francisco Montaño.

[5] March 2, 1664, Pedro Cayaqua. Godfather: Sebastian Garcia.

[6] August 6, 1666, Ana Potanamani, 16 years old. Godfather: Francisco Montaño.

[7] December 21, 1667, Thomas, legitimate son of Diego Feiquiali and Ana Loquinoqui of the Piro nation of the pueblo of Senecú. Godmother: Marina Marquez.

[8] July 28, 1668, Martha Michal, adult. Godfather Capt. don Pedro de Chabes.

[9] April 20, 1669, Grabiela, daughter of Antonio Yguaquisai and Anastasia Causinitloma. Godfather: Christobal Baca.

[10] February 5, 1670, Jacobo, age 1½ years. Godfather : Christobal Baca, who acted also for five others baptized at the same time, ages 5,11, 18, 40, and 48.

[11] May 8, 1670, Maria, legitimate daughter of Christobal Baca and of Sesilia de Vitoria, natives of New Mexico. Godmother: Ysabel Baca.

[12] May 8, 1670, Christobal, son of Pedro Teza and Maria Tzete. Godfather: Christobal Baca.

[13] November 20, 1670, Angelina, daughter of Juan Zenene and Magdalena Cueme. Godfather: Juan Maesse.

[14] October 21, 1671, Diego Caicapaiancuam, 8 years old. Godfather: Christobal Baca.

[15] October 21, 1671, Francisca, age 1 ½ years, daughter of Francisco Chiquinio and Teresa Yemesaio. Christobal Baca poured water for baptism.

[16] August 2, 1671, Esteban, son of Christobal Caoquisay and Josepha Maguai. Godmother: Lorensa Hernandez.

[17] September 8, 1671, Holy Oils given to Bartolo, son of Phelipe Yeloai and Ysabel Cotzima, who due to illness had been baptized earlier with water poured by Lorensa Hernandes and the chrism by Maria Orte.

[18] October 21, 1671, Antonio Campalcagua, age 2 years. Godmother: Lorensa Hernandes.

[19] October 21, 1671, Bernardino, son of Bartolome Caniquinagua and Ysabel Aynatositloma. Godfather: Bernardino Lazo.

[20] December 27, 1671, Holy Oils placed on Maria, who had been given the water when born and it appeared absolutely necessary, daughter of Juan Quaquatlimi and Ana Maria. Godmother: Lorenca [Lorenza] Hernandes.

[21] March 8, 1675, Antonio, legitimate son of Joseph Martines and Beatrice de la Pas. Godfather: Blas del Castillo.

[22] September 1, 1675: baptized Maria, legitimate daughter of Juan Herrera and Juana Hernandes. Godparents: Bernardino de Soria and Ysabel Juana.

[23] December 4, 1675, Francisco Xabier, son of unfaithful parents. Godfather: Francisco Montaño.

[25] July 1, 1676, Francisco Xabier, son of unfaithful parents, of the Jumana nation, 8 years old. Godmother: Gregoria Archuleta.

[26] November 2, 1676, Marco, adult, infidel. Godparents: Captain Esteban de Garcia and doña Maria de Archuleta.

[27] April 3, 1677, Maria, daughter of unfaithful parents. Godmother: Doña Maria de Archuleta.

[28] April 14, 1677, Hipolito, legitimate son of Thomas Quiaguale and Maria. Godmother: Doña Maria de Archuleta.

[29] June 6, 1677, Diego, legitimate son of Juan Inquo and Magdalena Linqua. Godfather: Diego Hernandes.

[30] July 19, 1677, Maria, adult of the Manso nation. Godfather: Francisco Montaño.

[31] February 2, 1678, Maria, Suma, daughter of heathen parents. Godfather: Bernardo de la Fuente.

[32] February 3, 1678, Christobal, son of Joseph and Maria. Godfather: Christobal Ruis.

[33] February 4, 1678, Pedro, son of the Church [orphan]. Godparents: Andres Gonçales [González] and doña Maria de Archuleta.

[34] 4 Feb 1678: baptized Juana, daughter of Matheo Piguimi and Juana Axilime. Her godmother was doña Maria de Archuleta.

[35] March 1, 1678, Esteban, son of heathen father and of Ynes. Godparents: Andres Gonçales [González] and Magdalena Tilaya.

[36] April 2, 1678, Juana, daughter of heathen parents. Godmother: Doña Maria de Archuleta.

[37] May 12,1678, Gabriel, son of Jeronimo and Juana. Godparents: Andres Gonçales [González] and Ana Maria.

[38] May 23, 1678, Francisca, Apache. Godparents: Andres Gonçales [González] and Luisa de Herrera.

[39] August 4, 1678, Domingo, son of heathen parents, Mansos. Godmother: Doña Maria de Archuleta.

[40] August 10, 1678, placed Holy Oils on Domingo, son of heathen parents, Mansos. Godmother: Doña Maria de Archuleta.

[41] October 15, 1678, Antonio, son of heathen parents. Godparents: Andres Gonçales [González] and Antonia Martin Zerrano [Serrano].

[42] October 22, 1678, Lucas, son of Pedro Cuetlo and Luisa Cotneneu. Godfather: Andres Gonçales [González] and Maria.

[43] October 25, 1678, Maria, daughter of Phelipe Guamato and Theresa Siguecue. Godfather: Bernardo de la Fuente.

[44] April 5, 1678, placed Holy Oils on Antonia, after already having been given the water of baptism, daughter of Diego de Velasques, and of Josepha de la Cruz. Godmother: Antonia de Pineda.

[45] June 11, 1678, Bernabe, son of Juan Caluchiqui and Juana Munacu. Godmother: Maria Martin Zerrano [Serrano].

[46] October 15, 1678, Antonio, son of heathen parents. Godfparents: Andres Gonçales [González] and Antonia Martin Zerrano [Serrano].

[47] December 2, 1678, Maria, Apache. Godparents: Bernardino de Soria and Melchora.

[46] 10 December 10, 1678, Antonia, Apache, a catechumen, daughter of Apaches. Godmother: Doña Ynes Domingues.

[47] December 10, 1678, placed Holy Oils on Antonio, son of Apaches, who had already been baptized. Godmother was Antonia Martin Zerrano [Serrano].

[48] December 28, 1678, Catalina, Apache. Godparents: Phelipe [Felipe] Duran and doña Ynes Domingues.

[50] January 1, 1679, Christobal, son of Vicente Luiutla and Cecilia Luiutla. Godmother: Doña Maria de Archuleta.

[51] January 7, 1679, Diego, son of Nicolas and Brianda. Godfparents: Joseph de Apodaca and Maria Martin Zerrano [Serrano].

[52] March 25, 1679, Maria, daughter of heathen parents. Godmother: Doña Maria de Archuleta.

[53] April 1, 1679, Ana Maria, daughter of Juan Caichivpan and Lucia Sumane. Godmother: Doña Maria de Archuleta.

[54] April 15, 1679, Antonia, daughter of Juan Capalpa and Antonia Cuineche. Godmother: Doña Maria de Archuleta.

[55] April 15, 1679, Dorothea, daughter of Juan Capalpa and Antonia Cuineche. Godmother: Doña Maria de Archuleta.

[56] April 24, 1679, Margarita, daughter of heathen father and Juana Cuinachea. Godmother: Doña Maria Archuleta.

[57] May 3, 1679, Juana, daughter of Juan and Ysobel Tocuale. Godmother: Doña Maria de Archuleta.

[56] September 17, 1679, Christobal, parents unknown. Godmother: Doña Gregoria de Archuleta.

[57] September 17, 1679, Ysabel, daughter of Diego Yequiechi and Maria Filinye. Godmother: Francisca Gomez.

[58] October 11, 1679, Jeronimo, son of Mathias de Frias and Maria de la Encarnacion. Godmother: Antonia Martin Zerrano [Serrano].

[59] October 30, 1679, placed Holy Oils and Chrism on Maria, legitimate daughter of Joseph Lopez de Grasia and Teresa Gutierres, Spaniards; the child had already received the water being in extreme necessity. Godparents: Capt. Pedro Lopez and doña Maria de Archuleta.

[60] November 18, 1679: baptized Christobal, a Suma, son of Francisco and Antonia. Godparents: Joseph de Gracia and Micaela de Gracia.

[61] November 18, 1679, Teresa, a Manso, daughter of Juan and Juana. Godparents: Joseph de Gracia and Teresa Gutierrez.

[62] November 25, 1679, Miguel, Piro Indian, son of Alonso and Maria. Godfather: Joseph de Gracia.

[62] November 25, 1679, Juan, Piro Indian, son of Matheo and Juana. Godmother: Doña Maria de Archuleta.

[63] December 3, 1679, Christobal, Piro Indian, son of Juan Esteban and Francisca Cuiamuyo. Godparents: Captain Christobal de Fuentes and Ana Maria de Fuentes.

[64] April 20, 1680, Getrudes, Spanish, daughter of Domingo Luxan [Luján] and Ynes Martin Zerrano [Serrano]. Godmother: Maria Martin Zerrano [Serrano].

[65] July 26, 1680, Ana, Suma, daughter of unfaithful parents. Godfather: Francisco de la Crux [Cruz], native of the city of Tescuco [Nueva España].

[66] August 24, 1680, Bartolome, Piro Indian, legitimate son of Maria Ysabel and Juan. Godmother: Juana Crorondes [?], native of Mexico City.