NM Research Resources

Fray Angélico Chávez, Origins of New Mexico Families in the Spanish Colonial Period (Revised Edition, Museum of New Mexico Press, 1992)

Fray Angélico Chávez, "New Mexico Roots , Ltd: A Demographic Perspective fromGenealogical, Historical and Geographic Data Found in the DiligenciasMatrimoniales or Pre-nuptial Investigations of the Archives of the Archdioceseof Santa Fe (1678-1869)"

  • The 11 volumes of "New Mexico Roots, Ltd.," is an significant and invaluable resource for conducting Nuevomejicano genealogy research and are now available in PDF online.

  • Read more about "New Mexico Roots, Ltd." here.

Rick Hendricks and John B. Colligan, New Mexico Prenuptial Investigations from the Archivos Históricos del Arzobispado de Durango:

  • Volume 1: 1760-1799 –Abstracts of 140 diligencias matrimoniales, or prenuptial investigations.

  • Volume 2: 1800-1893 –Abstracts of 256 diligencias matrimoniales, or prenuptial investigations.

New Mexico Last Testaments and Wills:

  • English translations of last wills and testaments of New Mexicans from 1704 to 1820 prepared and posted by Henrietta Martinez Christmas on her 1598 New Mexico Blog. Last wills and testaments are an essential source for genealogical research.

New Mexico Spanish Military Enlistment Papers, 1770-1816

  • Evelyn Lujan Baca extracted and compiled information from surviving military enlistment papers for soldiers that served at the Presidio de Santa Fe during the period of 1770-1816. Arranged alphabetically, each man who enlisted provided the names of his parents, his place of residence, and a physical description was recorded.

Granville W. Hough and H.C. Hough, Spain's New Mexico Patriots in its 1779-1783 War with England During the American Revolution (1999) –Courtesy of Society of Hispanic Historical and Ancestral Research

Spanish Archives of New Mexico, Series I, 1685-1912, Catalog: Land sales and donations, land disputes, last wills and testaments, settlements of estate, and land grants.

Spanish Archives of New Mexico, Series II, 1621-1821, Catalog: Government administration, military records, civil and criminal cases, and censuses.