Gomez Robledo

On 4 May 1662, at Santa Fe, an inventory of the embargoed possessions of Francisco Gómez Robledo (ONMF: 36) was made as part of his arrest by the Inquisition. The first thing listed was his house "que cae en la esquina de la plasa Rl desta villa," indicating that the house of Francisco Gómez Robledo was right along the Plaza of Santa Fe at one of the corners. This house consisted of "una sala, tres aposentos, y un patio conseguerta abaj_ [missing letter(s)] espaldas" ("one living hall/living room, three rooms, and a patio that was entered from behind").

Among the items embargoed were his personal papers. According to the list, Gómez Robledo had fourteen appointments ("nombrimientos") as Capitán and Cabo (Squadron Leader), two royal "provisiones" as sargento mayor, another royal "provision" as Cabo, a "titulo de fiscal de su magd", and a "merced de alferez Rl." Of particular interest are three additional entries. Gómez Robledo held "dos titulos de teniente de govr y capn gl, and one "merced de titulo de teniente de govr y capn gl." This indicates that he was appointed Lieutenant Governor and Capitán General, presumably of New Mexico, prior to 1662.

The third entry is the most intriguing. It was recorded that among his personal papers Gomes Robledo had "una informacion de servicios, y en ella una sedula Rl de cavallero hijodalgo que esta en veinte fojas escritos en todo y tres en blanco" ("a report of services, and among this a royal decree of Caballero Hijodalgo"). Here is an indication that either Francisco Gómez Robledo, or possibly his father before him, was knighted by the King of Spain, most likely for services rendered in New Mexico. In either case, it would be extremely worthwhile for the inquiring researcher who is familiar with the process and documents of Spain pertaining to petitioning the king for acquiring the title and privileges of Caballero Hijodalgo to attempt to locate copies of these records. Perhaps, if such records still survive in some archive in Spain, there may be documents relating to the lineage of the Gómez and Robledo families.

In addition to the papers mentioned above, a list of the land holdings and encomiendas of Francisco Gómez Robledo were made. The land documents that Gómez Robledo had in possession were:

El titulo de encomienda de la mitad del pueblo de Acoma, otro titulo de encomienda de total del pueblo de Tesuque, mas otro titulo encomienda de dos partes y media del Pueblo de los Taos; otro titulo de encomienda de todo el Pueblo de Pecos; otro titulo de encomiends de la mitad del Pueblo de Sandia; y de ella despues trueque por la mitad de Abo - en dho titulo tiene la mersed de la mitad de xengopau y que son las encomiends que tiene el dho Sargto Myr Franco Gomes Robledo merced de estancia en el Pueblo de San Juo otro titulo del arroyo tesuque mersed de estancia en los Taos merced de la estancia de Barrancas, otro del Pueblo de San Juo que es una legua mas arriba, y esta sin poblar

In all, Sargento Mayor Francisco Gómez Robledo possessed title to all or part of seven encomiendas in New Mexico. In addition, he had held five land grant titles. In is no surprise that his enemies wanted to see his downfall with the Inquisition, as he was accused of secretly practicing Judaism. These enemies stood to profit from the loss of his encomiendas if he was found guilty.

Researcher: José Antonio Esquibel

Source: Archivo General de la Nación, Inquisición, Concurso de Peñalosa, Tomo I, Leg. 1, no.6, f. 33-34v (microfilm copy located at the New Mexico Records Center and Archives under the title: AGN-Inquisición of Mexico, Roll#1, Trial of Bernardo López de Mendizábal, 1662).