
Diego de Luna (ONMF: 65) gave testimony on 29 May 1662 at the Pueblo of Sandia in which he declared he was a vecino of the jurisdiction of Sandia, thirty-one years old (born circa 1631) and a native of La Cienega in New Mexico. He named his wife as Elvira García and identified Tomás García as his brother-in-law, apparently the brother of Elvira García.

Diego de Luna was described racially as "menos que mestizo."

We learn from a later record that Diego de Luna's mother was María Jaramillo (Kessell, Hendricks, and Dodge, To the Royal Crown Restored: 59).

In December 1692-January 1693, Capitán Diego de Luna and his wife Elvira García were enumerated in the list of New Mexico residents at El Paso who were committed to resettling northern New Mexico. In their household were two sons, Antonio, age fifteen, and Nicolás, age five, and one daughter named Gregoria, age twenty-four. Also in his household were his mother María Jaramillo and numerous servants.

Researcher: José Antonio Esquibel

Source: AGN Inquisición, tomo 593, f. 335-337; John L. Kessell, Rick Hendricks, and Meredith D. Dodge, eds. To the Royal Crown Restored: The Journals of Don Diego de Vargas, New Mexico, 1692-1694, University of New Mexico Press: Albuquerque, 1995.