Manual Numbering


AVC_MNum plugin for AutoCAD and BricsCAD.

Write the number to the drawing objects click by click.

Insert numbers into Text, Leader, Table cell, Block attribute.

Change the name of a block, solid, polyline or any other object.

The MNum command helps you quickly number drawing objects in the order you want. Just click on the objects and the program will insert a new number. You can use the program to number text, table cells, leaders, blocks, solid parts, electrical lines and any curves.

If you are too lazy to click all objects one by one, then use the Numbering command (AvcNum), which numbers any number of objects in 1 click.

By using this program, you ensure that the parts have the same names in the LAY command lists, Sawing Table, and Smart Leaders. The presence of the plugin A>V>C> Properties Palette is optional. If you have the plugin A>V>C> Properties Palette you can edit the name of each part, each object manually. And to quickly highlight identical parts by name, use the Select Same (SSO) or Find by Name (FindName) command. You may also find the Select No Name (SNN) command useful for finding objects that you forgot to give a name by mistake.

Read about downloading and installing the program here.

To run the plugin, you will have to register account and top up your account balance or receiving bonuses.

Then you can activate one of the licenses:

The MNum command is also included in the A>V>C> Pro collection.


Operating procedure


The program settings dialog can be called by the Configure option from the command line or you can use the A>V>C> Options Palette (AvcOptions)

Features of work