Accueil May 2009 August-September2009

Contents of the tomes of the Time of the Naguals : Articles  Poems  Cut-ups  Theater 

Paul O'Donovan : "The rebirth of Ra-Atum-Khepri, occurring during an Interzone Coffee-break T.V. commercial, causing a partial eclipse over the Westernlands."

Hi all,

Summer news: a number of anniversaries , festivals,  and the twelfth anniversary of Interzone. I delayed the sending of this report hoping I could finish the compilation of "The Time of the Naguals" before, but there is so much to include in it that it came out it was impossible.

12th anniversary of Interzone

Interzone started 12 years ago, on August 10 th 1997, some days after Burroughs passed away on August 2nd. Zoners who live in the same area can get in touch through the Interzone Coffee House at and fix an appointment at the date and place they choose.

For virtual meetings,

If a physical meeting is going on somewhere, it can be linked through computer with a meeting on the net in a chat at the same time, and a video chat would allow us to get in touch wherever we are in the world. Jim suggests to use Stickham free video chat at I am creating a chat room there called "Interzone".

To use it, you must see the page at to connect with your video system.

For those who do not use a web cam, they can also use the plain chat of the forum Interzone at , but you have to join first and log in to access to the chat-room.

Interzone literature


"The Time of the Naguals" : articles, poems, cut-ups and theater :


The contents :

Last month the tome with the articles was on line at  . This tome has been modified: the "Fiction" part has been suppressed to be included in the tome of the short stories, and the research has been added : mainly on detoxification, dreams and non-Aristotelian economy. It contains 172 pages at the moment, but I shall add more texts. The research on dreamachine has to be added too, so as the research part by itself is a big piece, it might end to become gathered in a research tome.


The contents of the poems is at

At the moment, it contains 163 pages, but I must improve the presentation and want to add some illustrations, so it will probably be bigger.


The tome of cut-ups contains 80 pages at the moment, but illustrations also have to be added. The contents is on line at


The tome of theater plays, 63 pages, is finished. See the contents at


The tome of short stories has to be ended, but the most of the work is done. I should be ready very soon.


I am gathering each tome in a Open Office file, then converted in pdf. Have a look at those pages of contents if you are the author of a text. If you want to change anything, let me know now before the definitive version. If you want to revise the writing, or reread it, and have lost it, I can send it to you for you to correct it. If you sent texts which I have forgotten, please let me know and send them. I'll add them to the whole.


When I started this compilation, I thought it would have been finished sooner, but the whole reveals itself as a huge work !!!!!!!!!!! It gives an idea of the Zone's spirit and work at different levels, and is the result of experiments of Burroughs' and Gysin's researches realized by an international group of some hundreds of people in twelve years.

Beside the writings, I shall add to this compilation the CD of music : "Interzone compilation I", which was gathered by Paul Sinclair in the early 2000. It was on line some years ago and then disapeared from the net, so the only Zoners who have it are the ones who were part of it then, about 15 people including Paul Sinclair and me.

There also are the paintings and illustrations. A part of them are illustrating the different tomes of the writings, but there are so many than they would deserve another CD by themselves.

So this is a rough map of the work done until now.

Publication and sale:

The other important point is the publication: I foresee to make it through Interzone Editions, on CD, because it's not possible to print the different tomes as books with the home-made way I use. So we must see the price of it, knowing that for the people who were part of them, the cost will be limited to the price of the CD and post fees if they want it on a CD, or transmitted through a mail in pdf files, for free.

For the other people out of Interzone, we shall have to determine a price, and as it is a collective work, see together what to do with the money which will come from it. You can refer to the articles written on  a non-Aristotelian economy :

I New data on money: what are we talking about exactly? :

II Application of those data in the context of the Zone :

III Proposition to experiment a zone of free exchange (latest version: April 21st 2000) :

IV A non-Aristotelian economy (january 2002) and B. Proposition of a community structure at the scale of Interzone :

V. Académie 23: january 2004 :

VI January 2006 : a non-Aristotelian globalization ? :

VII January 2009 : Interzone Editions: experiment of a non-aristotelian economy :  

The rest of the doc on a non-Aristotelian economy, based upon general semantics, is accessible from the page for those who read French.

Chris Damitio's new book

"Feeding the Spirit: 30 Days of Spiritual Practice for People of All Faiths During Ramadan 2009" is available at Lulu at  Download $3.00, Paperback book $9.50.  More about it at and

Festivals :

Naked Luch festival

In Paris

The big event since the latest report has  been the Naked Lunch festival organized by Oliver Harris and Ian MacFadyen in Paris for the 50th anniversary of the 1959 publication of William S. Burroughs' Naked Lunch  from July 1st to 3. I could not go there, but you can see photos and videos on the event in the site at, the Photographs and Coverage by Frank Rynne at and and article by the Agence France  Presse at 

NL@50 - Three Things


Just a note to draw your attention to two things connected to the NL@50 anniversary:

Thing One: those of you who saw RADIO JOY perform in Paris will be pleased to know that the group are selling a limited edition recording of "A Lucky Thief in a Careless World" via - and for anyone who didn't see it, their show really was extraordinary and brilliant.

Thing Two: on the website at you'll find a series of videos and photographs documenting the Paris anniversary events, to which you're welcome to make additions (contact: ). The website will continue to be regularly updated - with press coverage and anniversary event news, feature articles, etc. - so do keep checking in.


Thing Three - As well as upcoming anniversary events in Lawrence, Kansas (August), London (September), New York (October), and San Francisco (November), we already know of further anniversary events planned for Chicago (August) and Bristol (September). If you are making plans or want to share information, do let us know so that details can appear on the website. Let's make the most of this special anniversary year, and serve up a naked lunch around the world..


In Lawrence:

 The ‘Naked’ truth: Lawrence’s arts community celebrates 50-year anniversary of William S. Burroughs’ definitive work: this is going to be huge !

should be a blast!

Lawrence exhibition will be on August 2nd.

In New York:

7 - 10 October.

See the details of each exhibition at 


The other big festival was in Joujouka : see the slideshow by Frank Rynne at 

On July 3 a special radio broadcast was dedicated to Brion Jones 40th anniversary at . You can listen to it at See also the ROCKS OFF - The Rolling Stones Message Board at 

Story of Joujouka by Frank Rynne 

See also the story of the Master Musicians  of Joujouka by Frank Rynne at

Frank's involvement and work with the group at

William Burroughs and Mohammed Hamri :



Jean-Marc Vincent opened the Galerie ECRITURES, 1 rue Pierre PETIT 03100 MONTLUCON, on July 1st with a exhibition of paintings by Jean ADLER, Roland COGNET, Jean ESTAQUE, Pierre LAFOUCRIERE, Yo MARCHAND, Rémy PASTOR. The exhibition is going on during this summer. Contact: 


Site :

Noelle's new project photo and video "Les animaux de Tirana" is being partly exposed at the Centre d'art Passerelle in Brest, in the collective exhibition "en vue… des manières de voir / la nature mise en image et en vitrine" (May 15 -August 22).

It also is on line in the new review Leucothéa, around the work of Jean-Marie Straub and Danièle Huillet, at : 


More details in Interzone news at



From July 10th to August 23rd the works of José Altimiras and 41 other painters  are exposed in the streets of Maury : see

You can have see the paintings in trompe-l'oeil style in this village at 



The whirling Dervish: concerts:


Here are the dates of their next concerts :

- On 7/18/2009 9:00 PM - 5$ - 21+

Lauren’s b-day show @ Keegan’s

1434 Marcelina Ave, Torrance, California


w/ Headtraffic, Gumshoe Suicides, Ready The Jet, & DJ Kawika

- On 7/22/2009 8:00 PM w/jon Hershfield----tune in!

Performance/interview. be sure to also check out

- On 7/24/2009 9:00 PM - FREE - 21+

The Crest

1625 Cabrillo, Torrance, 90501

w/ Electric Children

- On 8/15/2009 9:00 PM - TBD - 21+

The Good Hurt

12249 Venice Blvd, West LA, California 90066

w/ The Spies

The Spies' record release! 


Jean-Michel is participating to the Sonofage meetings in September 2009 : . The Site is on MySpace:




"Hi all. I Have just updated my web site and thought you might have a look at it: liestra

To subscribe: go to Subscribe  itpc://  

Don't miss it ! " Yannig


Vasha's page is at 


Interzone news' blog:

I had started this blog at in May to host the Zone's news instead of blogspot, after Interzone news had suddenly disappeared, due to a mad robot. But as the site came back after I complained, I am back to it and I am using Interzone news' blog at wordpress to host news not related to Interzone. I shall jump into it again for the Zone news in case blogspot would collapse again.


Warning: Geocities closing :


As Zoners who have a free site in Geocities probably know, they are closing on OCTOBER 26, 2009, so the free sites will be suppressed, unless we pay to keep them on line. See at about it.

So if you do not want to pay, you can have your site saved in Internet archives way back machine at . You can also save its contents on your computer with (free software).


New pages on line 

In Interzone sites :

Updates of Interzone  news at

Updates of Bienvenue à Interzone

Interzone news' blog 

Contents of the tomes of the Time of the Naguals : Articles 




In the other zoners' sites:

Naked Luch at, the Photographs and Coverage by Frank Rynne at and and article by the Agence France  Presse at 

RADIO JOY "A Lucky Thief in a Careless World" website at

Master Musicians of Joujouka Festival 5-7 June, 2009 Slideshow 1 

Brian Jones 40th Anniversary special radio Broadcast . You can listen to it at ROCKS OFF - The Rolling Stones Message Board at 

Story of Joujouka by Frank Rynne &

William Burroughs and Mohammed Hamri :  

The Master Musicians of Joujouka: more from beat hotel click through links for even more

Jean-Marc Vincent: galerie ECRITURES  

Noelle Pujol : site, photos and videos 

José Altimiras : Exhibition "Toutes toiles dehors" 

The Whirling Dervish: 

Jean-Michel Gosselin and Sonofage meetings . The

Site on MySpace:

Yannig: my new bizarre podcast .. liestra Subscribe  itpc://  

Vasha Dadaya on facebook

So the whole here represents a lot of energy and work. All the best to all for the festivals and gigs to come, and great holidays for those who have some !

This report is on line at and in French at Between two reports, the Zone's news are on line in Interzone news at
