interzone report: january 2008
Paul O'Donovan: "Mrs Bhutto 1b"
Hi all,
This has been an active month to start 2008. Interzone Editions has got an official existence, there are some new sites on line, with a new look. This report is now hosted in a new blog/ Interzone news
In the news:
G&C: when the French gendarmes put up their own Interzone :
One of the events of the French scene during the year 2007 is the creation, on April 1st, of the forum "Gendarmes et Citoyens" by a group of gendarmes, to request for being treated like citizens, which is not the case yet in 2007. They have no right to put up professional associations, nor to be on strike, nor to demonstrate. Their work and life conditions are becoming worse and worse: they work more and more without limit of time (between 90 et 120 hours a week), and without being paid more, their flats sometimes are insalubrious, they get bills to pay for home charges since 2004, get punished for expressing their opinions. They do not appreciate the imposed "culture of results" (they are paid and noted in function of the number of the fines they give out) when they basicly are a public service, at the service of the population. The rate of depressions, suicides and accidents is increasing (in January, several died by suicides and accidents), so they are getting fed up to the back teeth to be treated like dummies.
Some of them founded this forum where they call for the help of the other citizens and can express themselves freely, and the result is quite interesting: since april , they have gathered 6916 members who have posted 97181 messages, the site has had 1 103 520 visits (at the time I am writing this, but more when you read it as the list of the members is increasing every day).
They have published a manifesto : "Manifeste pour la pleine citoyenneté des gendarmes de France" (Manifesto for the full citizenship of the gendarmes from France), make post cards, backgrounds, calendars, tee-shirts (lol, this reminds me something, see the reports of the first years of Interzone at Information on Interzone).
The people who express themselves here appear quite different from the conventional images of the gendarmes: beyond the rubric on professional information, the contents is real fun, smart, uninhibited, and the guys there welcome you warmly and behave like real Johnsons.
This forum seems to me the best way to break the clichés on the corporation and is worth being visited and explored. A real antidote to mental barriers.
On the side of French police, similar mood : you can visit the site of the rapper / hip-hop "le Brigadier" in My space and listen to his songs "Je suis un flic", "Instru Place Beauvau", and "Instru Miction impossible".
The army is contaminated as well with the forum Militaires et citoyens, similar spirit as G&C.
Best wishes to all of them for 2008 !
Henri Chopin, June 18, 1922 - January 3, 2008
"Henri Chopin, the founding father of the 20th-century music/art genre known as sound poetry, has died. Sound poetry is a kind of art in which peculiarities and talents of the voice itself are used in lieu of identifiable verses, rhymes or even words. As a pioneer, his passing could be likened to the passing of blues music's Robert Johnson, or Joey Ramone's. Good primers on his work are found here:""I met him in is Cambrai house near London with Joachim Montessuis, Mrs Helio and Sir David Larcher in 2004, meanwhile a trip in Uk primary to see Throbbing Gristle Re~TG live in Astoria. I remember a young and shining mind making a kind of radical concrete industrials sounds with old school and warm audio-material" Pierre Belouin.
Writing and publishing :
Interzone Editions:
I have asked for ISBN numbers for selling the books I am printing : my own books and translations, the Taxidermist, French and English versions, and Stella Matutina, French and English versions. After sending the "dépôt légal", I can sell them officially with the label "Interzone Editions", in on line bookshops.
Joshua Berlow: Read my Novel-In-Progress
"The aliens are here. They've been here a very long time. Alien species can disguise themselves as anything. That squirrel outside your window could be an alien. Anyone you've ever met could've been an alien. The Magonians have a higher profile on Earth than the Intergalactic Alliance would like. Species with Interstellar travel capability are forbidden to contact species that haven't yet developed it. Even the Magonian Empire must pay lip service to non-contact, as non-contact is the primary rule of civilized interstellar trade. Unfortunately, the Magonians have come dangerously close to announcing their presence on this planet.A representative of the Intergalactic Alliance (of the Sirian race) has had to enlist the aid of a freshman at the University of Maryland. Although this violates the Intergalactic non-contact rule, the Sirian has gotten permission from his Intergalactic Alliance superiors to make contact, because he needs the help of (one?) Earth human. The Intergalactic Alliance must prevent any more infiltration of Earth by the Magonians, before the Magonians break the non-contact rule and announce their presence on Earth. It becomes necessary for the protagonist to move to New Mexico, where the Magonian headquarters are. A Magonian disguised as a human has founded a UFO religious cult called The Magonians. "
The novel so far contains eight chapters of roughly 4500 words each. When I began writing it I thought of it as a New-Age science fiction story. As more of it got written, I realized that it needs more horror. I'm looking for dedicated readers/editors who can commit to critique a novel-length work. If you're interested in this project, please e-mail: romarkin AT gmail DOT comPut "Call for Novel Editors" in the subject line of your e-mail." Joshua Berlow
New Interzone sites :
Interzone Galleries :
My site in the Westernlands is full up, and the ones on geocities stop working as soon as the pages are viewed by several people in a short time, so I have created new ones with space, which can be viewed without problem :
- to host the galleries : I have transfered Paul O'Donovan's illustrations if geocities sites to the site Interzone Galleries : and added new pages on Nicolas CUSSAC's work.
Inrerzone news:
I have created a new blog to host the reports and news at where this report is hosted.
General semantics :
- New planning for the seminars 2008 :
See at
- New pages in the site of general semantics :
Une économie non-aristotélicienne
Economie Déstructuration: Enquêtes sur les mécanismes de l'économie de marché dans le domaine de la santé which hosts the investigations written since 2003
Economie: Une économie non-aristotélicienne : restructuration which hosts the articles on line in Interzone Academy.
* Interzone news at which is going to host the monthly reports.
* Gary Leeming’s new blog :
Gary has started a new blog on January 2008: new project::gr-sf: : You can read his first texts there : China Taxi , Bees (1) , Secret Identity , hair . You are welcome to visit it and leave your comments.
* William Brandon :
" friends, compatriots, comrades and acquaintances... i'm walking away from the myspace universe... please feel free to contact me at novacriminal at gmail (dot) com or through the band and myspace/thewhirlingdervish. Take care all. William
* In Yann's blog:
"new things in my site :
- my albumsù/va_levrioù.html
- photos gallery of Blizik accessible in my page Milgon (
Kenavo ! Hwyl ! Sowyn ! Mar sin leibh ! Cheerio ! Ciao-ciao ! ¡ Hasta luego ! Até jà ! Tafandria mandry ! Schüss ! Chào ! ? (leitraot) (ilâ-l-liqâ')" Yann
Galleries :
* Nicolas CUSSAC:
Peintures 2006-2007
Cartes postales:* Paul O'Donovan :
* Paul O'Donovan:
A part of his illustrations have moved to Interzone Galleries :
His new illustrations of this month : "Desperadoes waiting for a train" , "22nd nervous breakdown"
"There's A Riot Goin' On" and "Mrs Bhutto 1b" at
* Galerie Didier Devillez :
- exposition Eugène Savitzkaya,
Le lait de l'ânesse, ca 1994, manuscrit original. Samedi 8 mars 2008 à 15 heures, lecture du Lait de l'ânesse par Eugène Savitzkaya. Nombre de places limité, réservation indispensable. Samedi 23 février 2008 de 15 à 17 heures, à l'occasion du 5e anniversaire de la Galerie Didier Devillez, cocktail en présence de Marc Mendelson, premier exposant de la galerie
- ouvrage hollan / bentajou : Le Don des Arbres: de Jean-Louis Bentajou sur Alexandre Hollan
Didier Devillez Éditeur 53 rue Emmanuel Van Driessche, 1050 Bruxelles – tél +32 (0)475 931 935 – –* Optical Sound : Persistence is all :
see the details in Interzone news and blogs
Patricia Elliott: Special beat sale
Dear friends. I need moola. so i am offering for a limited time some of my collection at lower prices.
Until Feb. tshirts, floating hat. authorized by William, like new, stored well. 5 for $50. plus shipping. sizes M, L and XL .
C. 1 Philip Whalen poster $30. NOW $15. plus shipping
P. 6 "Ruski" William S. Burroughs, signed $600 NOW $450.
P. 11 Black and white River City program signed by many. Burroughs, Ginsburg, Leary, McClure Giorno, etc etc. etc. $1200. NOW $700.City Moons, Ohle/Martin $25 per issue NOW $15. plus available in a terribly formated page
Music :
shocker_tv February 8th, Friday 2008 :
my next live appearance in las vegas...
to all our friends in las vegas - shocker_tv will make a live appearance as a part of his new project, INtERRUpT pRoGRaM...we will also have a live action painting with our friend, biggs:
be there if you are over 21, in vegas that weekend...over and outstv
* Bernard Bacos: Come and listen to my playlist on Myspace !
Philly sound, Marvin Gaye, Curtis, Sly, Stones, Who, Pretty Things,.., Grateful Dead, Quicksilver, Pink Floyd, some rock of the early 70s, some disco, punk rock, and reggae.
Usurpations of identities :
As there were a number of them, with my emails which are on the web, rather than putting them on line in the previous pages I had made, which required a lot of time, I put the whole bunch in a zip file, accessible at and from the page .
This report is on line at The French version will be on line in some days at
You can access the Zone's info between 2 reports in Interzone News and blogs at