Interzone report: February 2009
February 2009
Accueil January 2009 March-April 2009
Hi all,
Spring is coming ! Not too soon ! This winter has been long, cold and damp and seemed endless.
Recently, I went to Paris and met Ramuntcho for an interview on a video, which I am going to transcript to add in the book "Le Temps des Naguals : autour de Burroughs et Gysin". I am going to work at the video before putting it on line : to view next month.
Books :
Interzone compilation :
Jeff J. Dobson asked me about the compilation of Interzone writings gathered a number of years ago.
Actually the volutme of stuff is HUGE !!!!!!!!!!!!! it's so thick that I have not been able to put the whole of it on line : but most of it is at :
Tome 1: Articles I.Manifestos / II.Making it happen / III.On William Burroughs / IV."Print those tee-shirts !!!!" / V.Non ordinary levels of reality / VI.Fiction 1 / VII.Fiction 2: Foe : The Assassins / VIII. Fiction 3 / IX.Bios
Tome 2: Poems: Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 /Part 10
but there also are cut-ups and short stories.
You can also find some on line at
I have all the files gathered on my computer and saved on CD.
I cannot publish it in a book because it's too big and it would take days to print the whole. But for those who are interested, I can put it on a CD and send it to you.
Electrophone : Le monde est plein de frites et de télévisions aquatiques:
I have received this book written by Electrophone (the pseudo of the writer). The illustration of the cover is a painting by Michel PAGNOUX , whose gallery is in Interzone Gallery :
Here is below the article about it written by Jean-Michel Collet in L'Indépendant, April 27th 2008 :
"Le monde est plein de frites et de télévisions aquatiques."
"Voilà un titre fort dalinien dont on ne pourra tirer aucune explication auprès de l’auteur puisque celui-ci ne se dévoile que sous le pseudonyme d’Electrophone.
Nous n’avons, que quelques indices: il est originaire de Salses et connaît l’artiste peintre Michel Pagnoux qui est l’auteur de la couverture. Quant à la maison d’édition “La Buanderie électrique” elle ne figurait point sur Ia liste des stands de la San Jordi. Mystère, mystère... Ce n’est pas un livre, c’est un joyeux et impertinent bordel où le rock’n’roll vrombit à fond les potentiomètres. On nous annonce des contes pour grands enfants et c’est un peu ça en beaucoup moins formel. En tout cas ça déchire grave, ce n’est pas du tout politiquement correct et le
délire n’est pas mince.
Etrange et décapant...."
Also on line in Interzone Galleries /
Galleries :
Paul O'Donovan:
"Polegras - Winter tree study 09" &
"Reach Out"
New sites :
New site of Ramuntcho Matta :
Have a look at this one as well :
Three new sites by Patrice Dantard :
Daslook : vizual production , picto/video (photos, site en cours d'élaboration)
lpifc : (vidéos of all kinds, all original ones) 's Public Gallery (big gallery of photos)
Patrice is looking for collaborations with other plasticians, writers, etc... for illustrations. You can contact him at pdantard at
link of an experiment I did editing audio for Interzone report
The Whirling Dervish
They made two concerts in February :
1) Playing Feb. 14th and 28th (see details below)
2) Come by and visit the new website (
King Neptune's17115 Pacific Coast HighwaySunset Beach, CA 907429:00p Feb. 1421+ 5$
9 - The Pacific -
10 - The Whirling Dervish -
11 - The Radio Sweetheart -
The Crest1625 Cabrillo Torrance, California 90501
9:00 PM - Feb. 28th21+FREE
Ready The Jet
Beware Of Safety
The Whirling Dervish
This is going to be a hell of a show, get out and dance!
The Crest 1625 Cabrillo Torrance, California 90501
9:00 PM - Feb. 28th21+FREE
Ready The Jet
Beware Of Safety
The Whirling Dervish
The Master Musicians announce their summer festival will be held 5-7 June 2009 in their village in Morocco. Guests will stay with the musicians and their families and experience three days and nights of ritual Sufi music in its natural setting. On Saturday 6 June the musicians will perform the Boujeloud ritual in the village square through the night.
In July 2008 the Master Musicians of Joujouka hosted the Brian Jones 40th Anniversary Festival in their village in the southern Rif Mountains of Northern Morocco. The festival was a celebration of fortieth anniversary of Brian Jones’ recording the iconic LP Brian Jones presents the Pipes of Pan at Joujouka (Rolling Stones Records 1971). The festival broughtthe families of old Masters now passed on and a group of visitors from abroadincluding old friends of the errant Rolling Stone.
Guest willexperience life in Joujouka staying with the musicians and their families in their isolated village. The Master Musicians of Joujouka willplay in intimate sessions around their madrassa/school. The highlight of the festival will be the village’s celebration of the Boujeloud ritual in the village square.
Places at the festival are strictly limited as due to accommodation limitations with the families in Joujouka/Jajouka. Guests will be collected from Ksar El Kebir the nearest town to Joujouka on Friday 5th June and will be brought to the village. Full board will be provided. Food will be prepared in traditional Joujouka fashion from locally sourced produced. Joujouka is a framing community well as Sufi trance music the village is famous for its beautiful olives and olive oil. The festival is booking now. The earlybird price is €250 euro. Accommodation for 5, 6, and 7 June
Full board lunch and evening meal on Friday 5 JuneBreakfast, Lunch and traditional Moroccan mountain feast on Saturday 6 Breakfast, Lunch, and evening meal Sunday 7thBooking now on Master Musicians of Joujouka Web Site For payment by credit transfer please email me for details. Places are limited to 75.If you have any questions please do get in touch.
New pages on line :
In Interzone sites:
Michel Pagnoux : Cover of "Le monde est plein de frites et de télévisions aquatiques"
Paul O'Donovan: "Polegras - Winter tree study 09" &
"Reach Out"
In the other Zoners'sites:
Ramuntcho Matta : sometimeStudio
Patrice Dantard : Daslook : vizual production , picto/video (photos, site en cours d'élaboration)
lpifc : (vidéos of all kinds, all original ones) 's Public Gallery (big gallery of photos)
Daniel Gualda :
Master Musicians of Joujouka Festival 5-7 June 2009 Joujouka :
This report is on line at and the French version is at .
Between 2 reports, the news are in Interzone news at