Interzone report of August-September 2012
Paul O'Donovan: Little seaside village I used to live in
Thorpeness from Aldeburgh where my two eldest children were born & I returned to live in the '90's
Hi all,
Sorry for this long silence: I took some holidays in August and when I came back, I had to change my computer and get used to the new one, to new programs, etc., which took me some times. Hence I have delayed the sending of this report, which a big fat one.
In the news: manipulation of symbols and plagiarism
Attempts to manipulate the image of William Burroughs and Interzone:
In May I have been contacted by a guy whose name I’ll not precise not to advertize him. He was asking me to publish in an Interzone site a text he had written on him meeting Burroughs during the Final Academy 30 years ago (London 1982) and wanted to use pictures and a text from “The Time of the Naguals” to illustrate it. He was presenting himself as an occultist, and Burroughs, as involved in a “lodge” of his own and satanism. So I chose to ignore him.
In July he wrote to me again, saying he was preparing a commemoration on the Final Academy, and a book on it, insisting to use my doc in it. Apparently considering his desires as orders, he pretended that “The Time of the Naguals – Around Burroughs and Gysin” was in the public domain, and that he could use it without my authorization. I answered him the book was officially published, that there were copyrights on it, and that I did not accept him to use it, nor to use my name in any case. Though he apparently ignored that and quoted me in one of his site, using me as a stooge, and presenting me as if I supported him. Since I read some comments from him on the net falsely identifying Burroughs, black magic, scientology and general semantics.
So here I am making my position clear :
Burroughs was not involved in any lodge, nor in black magic, nor in satanism. Concerning his position towards scientology, he made it clear in “Naked scientology – An expose on this weird cult”, which he describes as a control system based upon mental manipulation, warning his readers against it. On line at .
Concerning general semantics, a non-Aristotelian logic based upon quantum physics, here is what Korzybski wrote about manipulation of symbols:
“In the rough, a symbol is defined as a sign which stands for something. Any sign is not necessarily a symbol. If it stands for something, it becomes a symbol for this something. If it does not stand for something, then it becomes not a symbol but a meaningless sign. This applies to words just as it does to bank cheques. If one has a zero balance in the bank, but still has a cheque-book and issues a cheque, he issues a sign but not a symbol, because it does not stand for anything. The penalty for such use of these particular signs as symbols is usually jailing. This analogy applies to the oral noises we make, which occasionally become symbols and at other times do not; as yet, no penalty is exacted for such a fraud.” (“Science and Sanity”, On symbolism, chap. VI)
I understand that some manipulators try to to attract people who do not know Burroughs’ work well and to abuse them, and distort writers’ work to make it fit with their own interests. Though as far as I am concerned, I totally disagree with these methods and their authors. I give them responsibility for their behavior and the content of their blogs and websites, which I do not intend to give any guarantee or approval. The names generally used to represent such behaviours are “counterfeit, intellectual swindle” and there are laws against them.
Jean-Noël Darde: The General Inspectorate and plagiarism at university: Watching:
“Jean-Noël Darde is a lecturer at the University of Paris 8 (information science and communication). He worked on the press and its discursive strategies. Confronted with problems of plagiarism in the context of his teaching Hypermedia Department (UFR MITSIC, Paris 8), he opened the blog Archéologie du "copier-coller" ("Archaeology of copy and paste") in 2009 to deal with cases ofplagiarism and emblematic reactions of the university to this phenomenon.” ( )
The blog La vie and Lisbonne-Ouarzazate :
Imposture à l'Université ? Trois indices, une énigme :
Le Conseil national des universités (CNU) et l'Université Paris 8
“La Vie Moderne” is a blog made by teachers who write about the conditions of school and teaching of this time. One article “Comment j'ai pourri le web” (How I rotted the web”), by Loys, made a big buzz on the net: this teacher in French literature, fed up to see the works of his students stuffed with copies of extracts from web pages, intentionnally put on the net a poem of the XVII th century by an unknown author, whom he gave a fictitious name to, with a pseudo-comment , lowest quality he could write, containing imaginary details. After sometimes he proposed a study of this poem to his class, asking them a personal comment. On 65 students, 51 had copied his web pages. To bring the cheating to light, he told them about the fake, which they took as a good joke, and did not mark them.
You can read this funny text at and in English with a rough google translation at
These different examples illustrate, at different levels, the generalization of fraud in the present world and their consequences, by crooks who have erected the scam to the rank of Fine Arts, presenting it as an acceptable and valuable marketting strategy. But they take people for more stupid than they actually are and at the end, they only abuse themselves.
15th anniversary of the death of William Burroughs: John Giorno - "The death of William Burroughs"
In the site of Joachim Montessuis , listen to | John Giorno - The death of William Burroughs - 07'00 |
from the ERRATUM#3 - released in 2001
More on William Burroughs: Good Egg: William S. Burroughs
Beautiful pictures of William Burroughs and his garden in "My Education of a Gardener" at
Burroughs in the garden. Text reads: “W.S. Burroughs at rest in the side yard of his house looking at the sky, empty timeless Lawrence Kansas May 28, 1991. ‘But the car (dulls?) it’ he noticed when he saw this snapshot. Allen.” Photo and text by Allen Ginsberg.
The French-German TV channel Arte broadcasted a French version of “William S. Burroughs – A Man Within” by Yony Leyser, on September 3rd. But the video was on line during one week and is not available anymore.
Arte: On Jack's road - Sur les traces de Jack Kerouac
A documentary Hannes Rossacher - Saturday, September 29, 2012 at 22:40 (1 & 2) ,
Rebroadcast october 11th 2012 à 05:00
Rebroadcast Thursday, October 18 at 2:50 (Germany, 2012, 52mn)
Four fans travel across the United Stateswith, as a sole guide, the cult novel by Jack Kerouac On the Road. A poetic and vivid road movie on the traces of the Beat Generation. They have met on the way a number of writers and artists.
© ZDF / Marlen Mueller
Charles Plymell
More in the site “On Jack’s road”
An Interview with Charles Plymell, early beat generation poet, author: Good poets are full of experiences
Michael Stevens: The Road to Interzone
Author Michael Stevens talks about William S. Burroughs and their meeting in Lawrence, Kansas . Posted by Michalis Limnios BLUES @ GREECE on October 3, 2012 at 10:00pm
“Burroughs was talking about breaking down control systems personally and macrocosmically. This can be found not only in his writing, but in his life and his reading as well.”
Philip Beitchman: The Spanish Fly
Philip Beitchman asked me to published an extract of his first novel, "The Spanish Fly", writen in 1962-1963 in The Beat Hotel in Paris, where he was living at the time Burroughs was there. So I am scanning it and publishing it as a serial, 5 page each month. You can read the first pages at
Loudun: they opened the doors and the spirits
La Nouvelle République
On the occasion of the premiere of the animation literary "In these places ... books," the public has discovered another way to talk about books and heritage. Below a color picture published by the Nouvelle République of the exhibition with a dreamachine by your intrepid reporter (July 28th).
Video of the day: "En ces lieux...des Livres" à Loudun :
Some news from the éclat
The first autumn 'deliveries' are in bookstores. Franz Kafka, Marthe Robert, Lev Shestov, Hayyim of Volozhyn (and Benjamin Gross) and Michel Surya ... The rest follows the slow rhythm of our opportunities ...
Michel Surya's book, "“Sainteté de Bataille” will be presented at the same time as the reissue at Tel Gallimard's of his “Georges Bataille, la mort à l’œuvre” at the Petit Palais Auditorium Thursday, October 4 at 18h at the invitation of the house of books and writers ( ). The meeting will be hosted by Nils Ahls journalist in the world of books. (free, but download information )
Thank you for your loyalty
Michel Valensi
Publishing shine
New books in the second quarter &
Roger Holden: Alternative, Affordable Treatment for Feline Leukemia: Butch
Butch, the White Cat.
I took this picture about one month before Butch died.
Roger Holden
Vasha DAI: Poetai
On line at
Vasha is coming back from a long trip in Southern America: with his friend Egle, they visited a number of countries and crossed Amazonia ! More details to come soon.
Vasha and his friends in Lithuania have realized a poetic album containing, among others, 4 pieces of French poets. A special thanks to them for giving me the opportunity to be part of this album, and a big hug beyond space-time !
Immediate download of 9-track album in your choice of MP3 320, FLAC, or just about any other format you could possibly desire.
Buy Now name your price
Share / Embed
1. a season
2. antroji
3. eldorado
4. is sakmes
5. muza
6. sentimental
7. tavo akiu linkis
8. to the sun god
9. vienisojo vynas
- “A season” : translation of an extract of “Une saison en enfer” by Arthur Rimbaud
- “Sentimental” : translation of “Colloque Sentimental” by Paul Verlaine
- “Tavio Akiu Linkis” translation of “La Courbe de tes Yeux” by Paul Eluard.
- “Vienisojo Vynas” : translation of “Le Vin du Solitaire” by Charles Baudelaire.
French voice: Isabelle Aubert-Baudron
Musicians :
Vasha – acoustic guitar, vocal
Gido Lahuis - electric guitar, mandolin, bass
Andrius Radavičius – bass & electric guitar
Arūnas Periokas – drums
Mindaugas Valiukas – flute, back vocal, Jew’s harp, tambourine
Arma Agartha – trumpet, noise machine
Mindaugas Kiaunė – bass
On the tracks “Antroji”, “Mūza”, “Eldorado” and “Sentimental” acoustic guitar is tuned in E 7/9 or lute tuning.
Acoustic guitar recorded in the forest near Utena and the rest in “Laisva Struktūra“ studio in Kaunas and mixed there by Ramūnas Peršonis during 3 days of July 2011.
The mixing of this album was not finished because during The Process two computers and external hard drives went dead and no information – our
album included – could be retrieved. Anyway, what we wanted to do was to adjust vocal levels on few tracks, the rest we are all satisfied with.
So I ask your understanding while listening and judging!:)
Cover photo by Audrius Šimkūnas.
Tracks‘ photos by Sonia Dietrich.
Booklet designer - Audrius Šimkūnas.
Special thanks to R.A.Ch.M.T for recording device and the rest for support and love.
released 10 October 2012
all rights reserved
Les Inrockuptibles: We were there : Iggy And The Stooges at the Casino de Paris
Village Voice: Iggy Pop Taught Mike Watt How To Be A Better Bassist
Timmy Hargesheimer: Iggy Pop & The Stooges Greenville Festival Paaren near Berlin live 29 07 2012
Photos Timmy Hargesheimer Berlin 2012
Iggy Pop
Mike Watt
LIZIERES : PICNIC #06 -Jazz with the quartet 2+2=4, le dimanche 28 octobre 2012
The Friends of Lizières are pleased to invite you to the Castle-Bézu Epaux
for public recording of the jazz quartet 2 +2 = 4
Sunday, October 28, 2012
The program:
Go to 12pm at Castle Epaux-Bézu for a picnic "potato"
From 14h, nap and musical discovery Quartet 2 + 2 = 4
Brian Roessler & Nathan Hanson, contrebasse et saxophones (Minnesota)
Mirtha Pozzi et Pablo Cueco, percussions et zarb (Uruguay et Corrèze)
For more info: /
Jean Puijalon : Le moine au nez rouge
Institut Diamant et Clownessence ® 2102
L’École du Clown Invisible présente La Pratique du Bonheur !
Details at
06 03 35 78 30
31 rue Barbès
Paul O'Donovan: "Lady Day", "Little seaside village I used to live in" & “A space of one’s own”.
"Lady Day" - Billie Holiday tribute
"a space of one's own"
Galerie Ecriture:
Opening in the presence of the author
Friday, October 19 at the Galerie ECRITURES
6:30 p.m.
Signature to the bookstore "Le Talon d’Achille"
Saturday, October 20th, 10 am to 12 pm
Exhibition of original drawings and preparatory
Jean Philippe Stassen
Galerie ECRITURES, 1, rue Petit 03100 MONTLUCON
from October 10th to November 24th 2012
More at &
Dimensions : 3508 x 2480 pixels
Nom du fichier : peinture-Max_ackerman.png
Anthony Rousseau: "Oeil" sur ARTE Vidéo Night 2012
Good evening to you all,
I wanted to inform you of my video broadcast "Eye" as part of the evening devoted to video art on Arte October 21st, 2012 from 11:50 p.m. to 2:50 a.m.
Two previews are programmed to discover ARTE Video Night 2012:
In Paris, at the Palais de Tokyo, Saturday, October 20th from 7:30 pm in the presence of Veronique Cayla, President of ARTE and Jean de Loisy, president of the Palais de Tokyo.
In Berlin, KW ( ) Monday, October 8th from 8:00. pm.
Anthony Rousseau
In the blog of Magdalena Kaus (Zurich), a slideshow of Gerard Malanga in action, at Cherry Valley, 23.10.2010, with Charles Plymell, "Roach", Heinz D. Heisl, Elias Schneitter.
53 rue Emmanuel Van Driessche
1050 Bruxelles (Belgique)
Tél./Fax +32 (0)475 931 935
Galerie Didier Devillez: art on paper 2012 - stéphane mandelbaum
Stéphane Mandelbaum / One man show
Galerie Didier Devillez / room 64 A
the white hotel – 212 av. louise – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 october 2012
4.10.2012 : 7.30 pm – 12 pm (by invitation only)5.10.2012 : 10 am – 10 pm
6.10.2012 : 10 am – 8 pm
7.10.2012 : 10 am – 6 pm
more info:
entrance fee : 8€ (5€ senior citizens/students)
free children under 12 years
Optical Sound: september 23 newsletter
New pages on line:
In Interzone sites:
- Paul O'Donovan: "Lady Day", Little seaside village I used to live in & “A space of one’s own”.
- Philip Beichman: “The Spanish Fly”:
- The issues of the magazine “Objectifs” have been updated : : Objectifs 1 , Objectifs 2, Objectifs 3 , Objectifs 4, Objectifs 5 , Objectifs 6, Objectifs 7 .
- Interzone news:
- Bienvenue à Interzone:
In other sites:
- Imposture à l'Université ? Trois indices, une énigme:
- Comment j'ai pourri le web:
- | John Giorno - The death of William Burroughs - 07'00 | :
- Optical Sound- september 23 newsletter :
- "My Education of a Gardener":
- “On Jack’s road” :
- An Interview with Charles Plymell, early beat generation poet, author: Good poets are full of experiences:
- Michael Stevens: The Road to Interzone :
- Quelques nouvelles de l’Eclat: New books in the second quarter:
- Les Inrockuptibles: We were there : Iggy And The Stooges at the Casino de Paris
- Village Voice: Iggy Pop Taught Mike Watt How To Be A Better Bassist:
- Les amis de Lizières: /
- Galerie Ecritures- Stassen: &
- Malanga in action:
- Galerie Didier Devillez: &
- Video of the animation : "En ces lieux...des Livres" à Loudun :
This report is on line at and in French at
Between two reports, the news are on line in Interzone News and Bienvenue à Interzone .
Isabelle Aubert-Baudron