Engineering Studies Teachers and Students Guide


The new HSC poses different teaching challenges for teachers. This is especially the case for Engineering Studies Stage 6, which requires specific engineering areas to be explored through "modules". The breadth of topics requires teachers to be familiar with both traditional engineering topics and developing technologies.

This Teacher Resource Package is designed to provide relevant and up-to-date materials and activities in the Telecommunications Focus Module of the 1999 Engineering Studies Stage 6 Syllabus.

Focus Modules differ from Application Modules. While specific examples, products, techniques, and theory are taught in Application Modules, Focus Modules combine this knowledge in specific fields of practice. The syllabus puts it this way:

"An engineering focus module develops a knowledge and appreciation of the role of engineers by emphasising a study of the nature of the engineering profession and the scope of engineering activities in a given field." (p.10)

The Telecommunications Engineering Focus Module is likely to be the last Focus Module taught in the year, meaning that much knowledge is already assumed in this guide. Mathematics and other fundamental engineering ideas are all used in modern telecommunications, and an emphasis will be placed on developing skills in these areas. Furthermore, good communication skills are also expected in the engineering workplace. These should be developed through Engineering Reports. Apart from these technical and communication skills, an appreciation of the historical and societal influences of engineering is expected.

Ideas for activities have been included throughout this resource, with an emphasis on researching current events. One of the most useful activities is keeping a journal of things that have interested the student - such as newspaper articles or discussions. Another recommendation is to subscribe to free email news services. These will help students to keep in touch with current events, as described in syllabus outcome H1.1. Throughout the teacher's guide, that are designed to provide ideas for class participation.

For example:

Activity 1: Technology-related email subscription services

If you have an email account, subscribe to

• or

•I.T. Daily news.

These web pages provide details of how to subsribe. Both services provide free email updates of breaking news related to technology.

The 2001 HSC Specimen Paper for Engineering Studies has also been taken into account during the preparation of this teacher's resource. This is to ensure that the specific questions related to the telecommunications module are addressed.

A list of references is included. Recommended readings can be obtained from their respective publishers or borrowed from local libraries. Many internet references have also been provided.

Included in the Appendices are a sample engineering report and posters. These provide examples of formal submissions which telecommunications engineers produce.

There is also a student resource which can be freely reproduced. It features all the diagrams and activities included in this teacher resource, in a convenient format which can be photocopied for class use.

If you are unable to find an article referred to in this teacher resource, or would like further internet articles or newspaper clippings, they can be obtained by asking University of Technology Sydney EngineeringLinks ( .

It is hoped you find this resource a useful addition to your teaching materials for the new Engineering Studies syllabus.

Edward Chan

Engineering Links Student

April 2001