Excel: Inherit based on Grouping Levels

Sometimes you would like to inherit the cell value based on the grouping (aka outline) level. This macro looks for blanks and then populates the cells based on the next highest up value above the cell.

Sub Inherit()
' Inherit value based on next highest grouping level
  Dim c As Range
  Dim x As Range
  For Each c In Selection
    For i = c.Row To 1 Step -1
      Set x = Cells(i, c.Column)
 '     If c.Value = "" Then  ' Only populate blanks
        If c.EntireRow.OutlineLevel > x.EntireRow.OutlineLevel Then
          c.FormulaR1C1 = "=R" & i & "C[0]"
          Exit For
        End If
  '    End If
    Next i
  Next c
End Sub