Excel: Get a sheet ready for the customer

Usually sending a spreadsheet to a customer requires you to make sure that everything is static in the spreadsheet.

Here is a macro that takes a sheet and converts all the formulas into static cells, and removes all hidden columns. It then checks for any hidden rows and asks you whether you want to remove them too.

NOTE: The original sheet isn't deleted and is still available. This original sheet will have "ori" added to the sheet name.  You will need to manually delete this original sheet. This allows you to run the macro to take a static snapshot of a sheet while retaining the original.

Sub Break_Links_and_Remove_Hidden_ColumnsRows()


' Convert a sheet into a static version:

' 1. Create a copy of the active sheet.

' 2. Copy and paste everything as values.

' 3. Delete all hidden columns.

' 4. Delete all hidden rows.

' 5. Unfreeze panes to make sure that everything is revealed.



    Dim currentSheet As Worksheet

    Dim staticsheet As Worksheet

    Dim col As Range

    Dim reverseCol As New Collection

    Dim row As Range

    Dim reverseRow As New Collection

    Dim sheetName As String



    extension = "ori"


    Set currentSheet = ActiveSheet

    sheetName = currentSheet.Name


    response = MsgBox("Press OK to make all the links on the sheet " & vbLf & "static, and to delete all hidden columns. NOTE: You will need to refreeze panes.", vbOKCancel)

    If response = vbCancel Then Exit Sub




    If Right(currentSheet.Name, 3) = extension Then ' There's already a static sheet available

        sheetName = Left(currentSheet.Name, Len(currentSheet.Name) - Len(extension)) ' strip off "ori"

        If sheetExists(sheetName) Then

            Worksheets(sheetName).Copy Before:=currentSheet ' Create a copy of the sheet with auto-increment

            Application.DisplayAlerts = False

            Worksheets(sheetName).Delete ' Delete the sheet so the auto-incremented sheet remains

            Application.DisplayAlerts = True

        End If

    ElseIf sheetExists(Left(sheetName, 31 - Len(extension)) & extension) Then ' The user selected the wrong sheet. No worries I got this.

        sheetName = currentSheet.Name

        Worksheets(sheetName).Copy Before:=currentSheet ' Create a copy of the sheet with auto-increment

        Application.DisplayAlerts = False

        Worksheets(sheetName).Delete ' Delete the assumed sheet so everything is good to go

        Application.DisplayAlerts = True

        Set currentSheet = Worksheets(Left(sheetName, 31 - Len(extension)) & extension)


        sheetName = currentSheet.Name

        currentSheet.Name = Left(sheetName, 31 - Len(extension)) & extension

    End If


    currentSheet.Copy Before:=currentSheet

    Set staticsheet = Sheets(currentSheet.Index - 1)

    staticsheet.Name = sheetName






    Application.DisplayAlerts = False

    Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _

        :=False, Transpose:=False

    Application.DisplayAlerts = True

    Application.CutCopyMode = False


    ' Reverse the collection, otherwise when you delete a column it will then affect the next found column.

    For Each col In staticsheet.UsedRange.Columns

        If reverseCol.Count > 0 Then

            reverseCol.Add Item:=col, Before:=1


            reverseCol.Add Item:=col

        End If



    For Each col In reverseCol

        If col.Hidden = True Or col.ColumnWidth = 0 Then

            col.EntireColumn.Delete ' Delete any columns that are hidden

        End If

    Next col



    ' Reverse the collection, otherwise when you delete a row it will then affect the next found row.

    For Each row In staticsheet.UsedRange.Rows

        If reverseRow.Count > 0 Then

            reverseRow.Add Item:=row, Before:=1


            reverseRow.Add Item:=row

        End If



    ' Check if there are any hidden rows

    DeleteHiddenRows = vbNo

    For Each row In reverseRow

        If row.Hidden = True Or row.RowHeight = 0 Then

            DeleteHiddenRows = MsgBox("Do you wish to also delete hidden rows?", vbYesNo)

            Exit For

        End If

    Next row


    If DeleteHiddenRows = vbYes Then


        For Each row In reverseRow

            If row.Hidden = True Or row.RowHeight = 0 Then

                row.EntireRow.Delete ' Delete any row that is hidden

            End If

        Next row

    End If


    ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = False

End Sub