Removing Content Restrictions from PDFs

Disclaimer: Only remove content restrictions from PDFs where you have the permission of the owner to do so.

Scenario: You have the Document Open password, and there is no Permissions Password.


Scenario: You have the Document Open password, and there is a Permissions Password.

Solution 1 (Preserves all links, bookmarks and content with GUI):

Solution 2 (Preserves all links, bookmarks and content but no GUI):

cd /d %~dp0

.\bin\qpdf.exe --decrypt "%1" "%~dpn1-clean.pdf"


Solution 3 (easy GUI but loses bookmarks and links):

Solution 4 (Cannot copy and paste text):

Solution 5 (Bitmaps everything and text may have errors):

Scenario: The PDF used to be able to be opened, but there is some kind of time limit on it. When the PDF is opened, it is a page saying it is expired.
