
Why Squeezytalk?

You have a talk in MP3 format, recorded using HardDiskOgg in high quality. But to upload the talk to a website, you need to:

    1. Cut out the start and end.

    2. Compress the MP3 to a smaller format.

    3. Normalise it to increase the volume.

    4. Add ID3 tags.

    5. Add albumart.

    6. FTP the file.

    7. Update the web page HTML so it appears on your website correctly.

    8. Edit the podcast file XML so subscribers get notified.

SqueezyTalk automates all of this. In fact, it keeps a record of previous ten talks so you can easily apply the same parameters (e.g. speaker, album art, etc.) next time you use the program.

All settings are stored in .ini files so you can easily edit things such as default directories.

SqueezyTalk uses:

    1. LameEnc

    2. MP3DirectCut

    3. MP3Gain

    4. AutoIT


Cut : "cut mp3.exe"

Encode : "encode and tag.exe"

Upload : "super ftp.exe"

MP3 Tags

It is possible to view all the important tags when viewing the MP3 file in Windows Explorer.

In addition, these tags are used by the uploading program "super ftp.exe" to create HTML/XML files.


For a working example, created by SqueezyTalk, see:


Quick Start Guide

Installing Squeezytalk

  1. Make sure you are using a Windows computer.

  2. Go to https://sites.google.com/site/anvilsoup/downloads/squeezytalk and download SqueezyTalk.7z from the bottom of the page.

  3. Unzip the contents. You may require 7-zip (http://www.7-zip.org/download.html) to unzip the contents

  4. You will be using the folder: "Squeezy Talk 2014-09-28 - Burwood PM". This has all the presets for the HTML and XML code.

    1. Run the following application:

          • Squeezy Talk 2014-09-28 - Burwood PM\squeezytalk.exe

The first time you run SqueezyTalk, you will need to set up all the default folders. Because SqueezyTalk consists of 3 separate applications, the default folders need to be set a couple of times. I have highlighted these in italic. You only need to complete these italic steps once.

App 1: Cut MP3

This app takes a MP3 and allows the user to select the start and end (e.g. if the person hit record too early or too late, it means you can cut these off). This operation does not degrade the MP3 quality (it is a non-lossy operation that works on cutting frames).

  1. Click "Set Default Folders". Normally you don't need to do steps 1 - 3 except for the first time.

  2. Select the folder that contains the uncut MP3s (i.e. raw MP3s that were recorded).

  3. Select the folder that contains the cut MP3s. (i.e. output folder which App 1 will produce). You may need to create a new folder.

  4. Open the raw MP3 (i.e. the MP3 that was recorded).

  5. Scroll to the beginning of the sermon. Press B to set the beginning of the MP3. (note the yellow line is where the marker is set)

  6. Scroll to the end of the sermon. Press N to set the end of the MP3. (note the yellow line is where the marker is set)

  7. Click Save MP3, and enter a file name, and select OK.

  8. Click Done Cutting.

  9. App 2 will automatically start and begin normalising and encoding the file to a smaller MP3.

App 2: Encode and Tag

This app takes the MP3 and stamps album art, ID3 tags, normalises audio, and downsamples the MP3 to internet quality mono audio.

  1. Click Advanced. This will unlock all the fields. Normally you don't need to do steps 1 - 5 except for the first time.

  2. For the Output Folder, click Choose

  3. Select the final output folder for the MP3. This is the folder that will contain all the mastered MP3s

  4. For the AlbumArt, click Choose

  5. Select the file Squeezy Talk 2014-09-28 - Burwood PM\encode and tag\gracepoint album art.jpg

  6. The following fields are autopopulated from the MP3 modify date: Date, Output file and Track/Week. If these are incorrect, then select the correct date in Date. The Output file and Track/Week will automatically update once the date is changed. Note that the Track/Week corresponds to the week of the year - this is intentional.

  7. Fill in the Sermon Series, Speaker, Passage, and Title. Do not change any other settings - they should already be pre-populated correctly.

  8. Click Next.

  9. App 3 will start automatically.

App 3: Upload MP3 to FTP site

This app uploads the mastered MP3 file to the gracepoint.org.au website. It also alters the HTML file and XML file to add the track info (based on the ID3 tags that were stamped in App 2).

No need to activate the Advanced Options, as I have preset these for Burwood PM already.

  1. Enter the Password to the FTP site.

  2. Click Upload.

  3. Some black console windows will open to show you the progress. There should be 5 windows. These are: upload MP3, download HTML, upload HTML, download XML, upload XML.

  4. Click Finished.

That's it! After the first time, it is actually very trivial. In fact, if the MP3 is already cut correctly, you can skip App 1 and go straight to App 2 (encode and tag.exe)

Latest Fixes


  1. Changed FTP component to use WinSCP to allow better connections to FTP servers that may drop connections.

  2. Fixed Duration bug in iTunes RSS by adding an extra field called "$time" that gives the duration of the MP3 in seconds.

  3. Fixed label error in "cut mp3.exe".

  4. Remove all tags in MP3 before re-tagging, to avoid problems with strange tags (e.g. iTunes adds funny v2.2 tags which causes problems).

Cross Platform SqueezyReborn

Before you download below, why not check out the cross-platform Java version!


Download SqueezyTalk