Ether Ape installation

EtherApe works pretty well in VirtualBox. Here's one way of getting it to automatically start and filter traffic.

    1. Install Ubuntu.

    2. Get it to auto-login by changing the login settings.

    3. Download EtherApe from the Ubuntu applications list.

    4. Download wmctrl from the Ubuntu applications list.

    5. Create the following script (replace password with your password):

    6. sleep 60

      1. echo password | sudo -S etherape &

      2. sleep 30

      3. wmctrl -r EtherApe -b add,maximized_vert,maximized_horz

    7. Add your hosts to the /etc/hosts file (e.g. Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta).

    8. Add the following EtherApe filter:

    9. ip and (ip src host Alpha or Bravo or Charlie or Delta) and (ip src dst Alpha or Bravo or Charlie or Delta)