Mater Admirabilis

Mother Most Admirable

Mexican artisans and craftsmen mold tin into Hojalatas, which can become many things including candelabras, jewelry boxes, or nativity scenes. Often glass, mirrors or talavera tiles are incorporated into the designs. Images of flowers, hearts, stars, skulls, and religious images are common.

Hojalata artists use a technique called embossing that involves stamping or punching a material to form a 3D imprint or relief into paper and metal. Embossing in metal is also called repousse. In hojalata, (o·ha·la·ta), the use of bright and bold colors is what makes it unique. Typically embossed metal is left in it’s natural state, but in hojalata the embossed surface is colorfully painted.

Third graders learned some of these techniques and made these beautiful Hojalatas that honor Mater. Working in their Religion classes to create modern-day symbols for Mater, these beautiful pieces express their personal connection to Mary

Please see the slide presentation below.

Mater 3rd grade