Urban Shadow

Harshita Patel & Lavanya Navale

Site Location

Devka Beach, Daman

Site Plan

Site section

Argumentative Question

The new construction practices on the Devka beach are quite evident. The built promenade in a way disturbs the porosity between the city and the beach. The waste generated from the construction practice is dumped into the sandy area where the saru trees are also being cut down. The shacks, hawkers, vegetation, and marine life is forcefully thrown out. How can the buffer space be designed so that it regenerates the environmental flow allowing all the species to coexist? How can the life and living of the people there be brought back? How can the structure be designed so that it submerges with the environmental flow between the city and the beach? Can the structure be designed so that it affords the temporality of the dynamic nature of the coastline? How can we more flexibly accommodate things while providing the space for rapid transitions, frugality, and the increasing fluidity that beaches require? How can we move toward a more adjustable urbanism that is capable of anticipating and hosting the impermanent? How do the shacks negotiate the tensions between self-identity and cultural identity?   

Argumentative Drawing 

Site photo gallery

Construction of Aquariums

Construction of hotels on the promenade edge

Construction of the solid stairs

Utilizing the shade

Hawkers popping up on the promenade

Construction waste lying all over the place

Area of intervention


Design strategies

Design iteration

GIF from Harshita Patel 😇

Cut plan

Roof plan


Final design conceptual model
