Ecological Corridors

Sanjeeta Patil+ Hansika Nagare


The site holds landscapes ranging from farmlands, mango tree stretches, palm tree clusters, to mangroves reaching till the sea. However, the administrative building of Tatawadi does not engage and respond to the surrounding ecology. 

How can one reimagine the built form to respond actively to the landscape and the microclimatic conditions ?


Tatawadi Phansa, at Valsad, Daman is widely known as a space that cradles an institution for the blind and is rich in its biodiversity with wide range of flora and fauna. The different soil types and vegetation create a variety of micro-climatic conditions.


We reoriented and redesigned the Administrative office and a Pantry which stores fresh fruits and vegetables that are available in the vicinity, and a counter which works and an Extension to the pantry which is equipped to cook, serve and/or sell food. The pantry area also has an Open to sky platform. The administrative office and the pantry are connected by a Courtyard space.  

A ramp starts from the open to sky platform that  leads you towards the Sensorial deck which is located at various heights. The area near the Mango trees is designed into a Sitting space.




Site Plan (with vegetation):

Identified zones on the site of intervention:


Column iterations for this deck

Sensorial Ramp:

This ramp wraps around the trunk of the baobab tree and is designed at height of 2.6 m giving enough headspace to occupy the space under the ramp. It evokes different tactile and auditory  senses with the sound of the birds and insects, The subtle shade of the tree and the soft light that filters through the tree. 

(Viewing deck) Sensorial Deck: 

Located near the fence, this deck slightly edges out towards the sea, you a direct view of the sea and different auditory experiences like the sound of the sea, birds and the strong cool breeze from the west (where the sea is located).


Concept design:

Design plan on site

There is a gradual shift in the landscape where the built form itself becomes the landscape and then takes to upto a certain height. 

Locating the final design on site:

Final Design Plan and section:

Final design in Isometric view