Inhabiting Threshholds

Question :

The Guest House as a structure in Tata wadi area which is built along the coast does not participate with the ecology surrounding. There is a transition of vegetational density seen on the opposite side of the property lines.Vegetation is breaking through the concrete facade of the structure. High temperature and lack of thermal comfort has reduced the activities happening there. How will these thresholds become a part of the structure? By thinking through the spatial transition what are different ways in which one can include these wilderness which will complement the structure as well as the ecology? 

Argumentative Drawing

Site Plan

Site Demarcation

Site Section

Program ideas

To engage with the edge to build a leisure space

To Built a library and gallery space for the students and the teachers

The programme consist of a  library of flora, library of braille books, 

Spatial Idea of Threshholds 

Site Plan

Conceptual ideas
