Design question.

The shift of landscape at devka beach have led to a lot changes in economical activities like the shack vendors who were at the beach earlier were taken down. There is a constant flow of people happening parallely at the main road and the beach but they both are separated because of the visual disconnect.We also observed that the transient space between the two roads is highly littered.The stretch lacks sanitatation and the remnants of the food, plastics,  bottles and debris waste are densely found scattered all over the area. This waste is generated by the shack vendors and the visitors who throw odd and ends carelessly.Rethinking the buffer space as a connection for the main road, the promenade and the beach and how will the space interact with humans using the existing waste. Connecting the disconnected

mvement of people before construction

movement of people during construction

movement of after construction

site plan

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iteration 2

existing site condition

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existing site condition

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existing site condition

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existing site condition