Over lapse

Strategic Negotiations


The Devka beach and wetlands have undergone a massive transformation as a tourist attraction. The process of beautification and commercialization has over the years led to the removal and casting out of native flora and fauna which sequentially has led to the disappearing of the native people who have fled these landscapes to earn as a result of lowering of exposure to their businesses there.

The absence of the vernacular species has led to an increase in the temperatures, a high risk of flooding, moreover the lack of human presence and their activities consequently leading to no interactions with other species existing there. The in progress beautified transformations are meant to align with tourist attractions at the first place and keeps the indigenous people at the second.

How can we make the environment conducive for humans as well the natural vegetation, marine life and wetlands existing there? How can these interventions respond to current conditions of the tourist influx and hunt of the native population for a livelihood.

Argumentative Front

//Argumentative Drawing

Site Demarcation


Devka Mangelwad Settlement, Eco Park Zone, Daman

Site Understandings

//Section & Plan

A Deep Perspective

//Critical Situations

Understanding in a deep sense as to what is really happening in the landscape that is already carved out is a natural evolution of  a space due to human nature of occupying spaces. Even though this place doesn't conveniently serve the basic needs of cool shelter, merging with the natural landscapes, trees, and animal species, it does tend to create its own micro cycles that may or may not be conducive to the space.

This gives us a good under standing of how people are responding the the already built structures and how they might respond to the mild intervention of the space by us.

Understanding the Programme


An information cum conservation centre that is experiential rather than just functioning as a built form. The space can also have sensoriums such sound, smell, and nudge.

The main focus is to make people that includes the locals and tourists aware about the before daman and daman today.

Rejuvenate the local wetland forms.

Provision of jobs for the local Mangelwad Settlement and surrounding areas.

Pathway as a form of swiftly moving through the landscape.

Establishing a safe relationship with the native vegetation

Underground water conditions & strategies

//Section Analysis

Observing carefully one can see the way in which the percolation of water happens through the soil and rocks below in various sections of the wetland. The basalt rocks and the clayey alluvial soil of the wetlands along with sand under gives a perfect condition for requisite filtration of water, indirectly helping in recharge the underground water table in a manner that it keeps the flood in check and rejuvenates all channels organically.

//Plan Analysis

This plan gives an overall understanding of how the channels forming naturally over the time will generate a pool like condition over the whole wetland span. This in turn will give the project a direction for where to place the intervention and help the species around make the landscape possible to interact with minimum hindrance.

Underground water conditions


The pockets of water emerge naturally as a result of confluence of the underground water channels

Species Identification


A certain amount of species affect the given larger eco system

Some prominent Plant Species present:

Some prominent Animal Species present:

Section's Play

//Design Intervention

Highlighting the Architectural Intervention: Nursery with the context

Highlighting the landscape design intervention and the architectural intervention: Nursery, the decks and the wetlands

Highlighting the Underground condition in the intervention

Plan & Perspective

//Design Intervention

An over all view of the site and the intervention; AXO and PLAN

Your Vision

//Experiential Drawings




//Design Intervention

Materials through which intervention has been thought through: