S5/C1 Environmental Flows

Artisanal Fishing Atheneum


Climatological, ecological, topographic and other environmental conditions are transition based and cyclic in nature. Thinking of the environmental fabric and the civic form outside the Moti Daman Fort, the coastline, streets and left over vegetative patches become an interface between the touristic development around. The area was completely deserted and hardly anyone was seen. The atmospheric flows like the bright sunlight have correlation with each other and also affect the surroundings in its affinity. Thus, these flows are interdependent on each other and are brief, momentary and fleety in its experience which keep changing when one lives through it. And hence, an idea of non-permanence comes in. So, How temporary is our present outlook towards permanence? How can this short lived/fleety experience be nurtured? How can this idea of temporariness be explored in different ways in the streets/vegetative patches/transition spaces spatially and materially? Can the streets be inhabited as a public space? How can we build something to make sure that the space around it gets inhabitant in such a way that we can take a lot of treasure out of it without disturbing vegetation around it? Can a structure bestow these transitory environmental flows integrating it to its surroundings? How can these environmental flows define the space to be created and used in a multiutility manner in a cyclic way? Can this cycle change with the mornings, afternoons and evenings? Or can it be seasonal? 

Site Study

Site Analysis




Analysis and Inference

Spatial Analysis and Cyclic Nature of Routine and Inhabition of People and Animal Species on Site

Site Intervention

Program: Artisanal Fishing Atheneum

With respect to the observations and analysis, the cyclic, temporal and multi used programmatic ideas are a concern for the design intervention. The site acts as an interface between the sea, the beach, the promenade, the vegetative patches, concrete roads and the fort wall which have a clear sense of distinction with their rigid experiential qualities. So how can this interface work spatially catering the ongoing activities on site considering how the current space of the site is used in the morning, afternoon and at night by the people and other species in the ecosystem. Also working with the promenade as an edge condition.

Site and Design Conceptual Model
