
Pranav + Lohitha 

Site  -  Jampore Beach 


Jampore beach has very distinct gradualness in its approach to the waters, with the Saru trees providing shade and instilling activities that extend up to the water, in contrast to the built promenade that strictly limits certain activities for the locals and tourists alike. The changing landscape due to tides provides uniqueness in the experience while approaching the water. The coastal road, however, creates an abrupt change in materiality in the flow of texture and shade one experiences on the beach. The existing buffer that is the Saru trees is being majorly utilized as parking spaces for cars.  How can we create a perforated intervention to blur the abruptness of change, and what can be the potential in retaining the tree cover through multifarious affordances, and allowing a conducive environment for people to live and inhabit? 


Saru Trees


Intertidal Zone

Argumentative Drawings

Tidal Movement

Movement of people

Vehicles Parked

Intensity of Shade






Surface Temperature

Sound Map

Smell Map

Elevation of existing

Elevation after speculated promenade

Site Plan



 Programme Ideas

The area of intervention consists of many small restaurants, a primary school, and many hawkers who cater to the tourists arriving every afternoon in large crowds. The locality here is very interconnected with the majority of dwellers interacting with each other regularly. However, the area lacks a common community space as the area under the Saru trees is occupied by cars. Schoolchildren in the area have limited space within the school property for recreational activities. The only activities that take place on the beach are drinking, eating and tattoo parlours across the road. 

 The objective would be in rethinking the promenade and developing spaces that involve programs for both locals and tourists. The space would be such that it allows for accommodation of the formal/occupational shift taking place, as well as opening up the potential of the school to its immediate environment.  This includes beach-centric and daily-based programs while keeping the sense of livelihood and environmental flows such as shade, light, visual connection, etc. The space would also not be intrusive to the existing environment, with a minimal built structure.

 Focused programmes would be

Conceptual Drawings

Present Design
