During the times of monsoon, the Tatawadi Phansa region floods heavily. Though the wetlands help a lot in controlling these circumstances yet the area is prone to flooding during this period. In addition to that, it makes it the workers difficult to commute, transport goods and graze cattle. Further, being secluded from the other parts of the city it faces difficulties during power cuts which increase during monsoons. The dairy products thus tend to spoil due to the warm and humid climate of that place. How can these activities continue despite the seasonal obstruction? How do human interventions change or create situations in the surroundings?


 The observations denote the different plantations in the area, temperature, and the flow of water due to the topography which makes the area a flooding zone. During monsoons, the water level rises to an extent where it ruins the crops grown in the wadi. The floods disable any form of accessibility to the outside and being far away from the main city faces a lot of power cuts.

The average intensity of rainfall 

Highest and the lowest temperatures recorded through out this year

Highest and the lowest temperatures recorded through out this year

Types of vegetation

Heat map

Types of vegetation

Flow of water

Water rise through the year

Transition through years

Before 2003 there was a free path where the rainwater could flow into the sea but later in 2007 they blocked the path so that they could use the water for irrigation. This flooding of the land created swamps causing floods.



The program consists of reusing the current foundation & columns of the existing guest house in Tata Wadi to create a Storage Unit. The storage units would act as a reserve for crops, dairy products, and other types of equipment. Apart from that, it would be combined with Ponds & Gardens creating a different experience making it habitable for various Recreational Activities and channelize the flow of rainwater making it easily accessible for irrigation purposes. Since the area is susceptible to flooding, the storage units would convert to create  Temporary Shelters for the cattle & workers.


The wadi has a set of guest houses that are mainly abandoned. The condition of the houses was dilapidated The houses were facing towards the sea and though at a higher level prone to floods due to no proper channelization of water.


With respect to the program we came up with a conceptual idea for a storage space where each form is broken into tiny modules. Each module is connected to the others with the help of plinths. The height of each space keeps varying as per the requirement.


The roof plan indicates the channelization of water from the roof to the ponds and the interconnection between the ponds which later goes to the surrounding plantations.
The design focuses on convertible spaces where it acts both as storage for the crops as well as a temporary residing space for the workers mainly during the monsoons due to the inaccessible pathway from the inside to the outside. It also contains garage space for loading and unloading of goods, a cafeteria, and leisure space that can be used for recreation. Moreover, the ponds and the roof is designed such that the water is efficiently channelized and a new flow of water is created. This flow will decrease the probability of water clogging that area.

The open and the closed spaces are oriented such that the structure receives maximum ventilation and optimum sunlight.

The design structure is such that it dwells with the surroundings. The entire design is friendly towards the blind that resides there with the help of multiple indicative textures and the level between two spaces is kept limited only to one step at a time. The spaces gradually turn from open to close space with the veranda acting as the buffer. There are no doors provided until required to maintain the room temperature within the space.The design structure is such that it dwells with the surroundings. The entire design is friendly towards the blind that resides there with the help of multiple indicative textures and the level between two spaces is kept limited only to one step at a time. The spaces gradually turn from open to close space with the veranda acting as the buffer. There are no doors provided until required to maintain the room temperature within the space.