Democratic spaces

Argumentative Question:

 Kalai fishing village is on river Kalai's banks, which act as a border between Gujarat and Daman. The edge of Kalai village goes under extreme changes during different seasons. What does it mean to have a temporal space that can change according to the demographic, seasons, tides, etc. what does it mean to claim public space and how can such space be democratized? Fishing as means of livelihood is dwindling due to climate change, river pollution, resource depletion and the younger generation having different aspirations. The younger generation is migrating out of Kalai, what does it mean to care for the older generation? What does it mean to create a space from sensorial experiences?

Argumentative Drawings 

Kalai over the years

Kalai overlap 

Kalai axo

Activities throughout the edge 

Flooding during monsoons 

sensorial experiences 


public toilet 

communal spaces 

watch tower 

waste management 

Site Demarcation 

Site Plan 

Conceptual sketches

conceptual ideas:

 To create a series of spaces and experiences through the idea of ramps and step wells.


 vantage points 

 water purification 


 playful spaces 

Conceptual models

Ramp exploration 

the step-wells and drainage system 

Design Iterations 

space and its materiaiity 


adding a layer of halophytic bushes (plants that thrive in saline water) on the sides of the water channel system will trap waste flowing along and act as a barrier from the life on the coast. this also serves as fodder for cattle and purifies the surroundings

the species that can inhabit the space:

-Dune grass

-Dwarf glasswort


 Final Design