Dismantling the promenade


The newly built promenade resulted into changes in the flow of underground water as well as for surface water. Earlier the flow leaded to growth in plant and vegetation along the edge and is been shifted to go towards storm water drainage which goes into the river and further into the sea. Which results into pollution of the sea and affects the tourist activity around it as well since the access also gets affected due to the hard edge formed by the built promenade

1)  So then how this promenade can become porous but at the same time maintaining the flows of ocean ?

2) How will the space becomes a tourist space but also does not disturbs the existing flows on site? How will the life then gets formed around it? 

3)  How the treatment of storm water can also lead to making of space around it rather than just been a service? 

4) How can services generate the form of leisure and social spaces? 

5) How will the spaces respond to seasonality? 

Argumentative drawings:

Site study:

Site plan at the dholar mangelwad settlement

Marking the environmental flows on the site through the contours.

Mapping the underground water flow which is affected because  of the construction of the promenade.

Site model


1) Making the promenade porous.

2) Storm water drain treatment through landscape.

3) Introduction of temporal structure which is in unison with landscape. 

4) Leisure spaces generated by the landscape 

5) Storm water drain treatment slowly becoming the leisure / social space and also becoming a source of water for the settlement.

Spatial intent:

1) Making the promenade porous by adding series of saru trees and landscape to allow natural flows and how will landscape shape the form like a ramp which slowly leads down or a series of ramp and terrace gardens getting generated to softly merge with ocean and sand. 

2) Treating storm water drain by creating series of reed beds and undulations / terrace and then spaces getting created in and around it.

3) Leisure spaces getting created not only visually but also allowing other senses in the form of viewing decks,garden/park spaces and amphitheatre and inculcating it with services 

4) Creating smaller nuances in the form of people experiencing vegetation , ocean ,sand,water 

5) Can modern day materials be used but also not affecting the ecology around( for temporal structure)? Can the landscape itself become the structure? 

Design sketches:

Using sloped terraces for storm water flow which will be treated and later used by settlement and having accesible roof in a way that merges with the landscape and allows landscape to flow over it.

Some other ideas for the accessible roof which will merge with the landscape and allows landscape to flow over it.

 Light shacks made of bamboo

Iteration 1

Iteration 4

Iteration 2

Iteration 5

Iteration 3

Design conceptual models:

This is the mixture of ramp and stairs

Design drawings:

Design in site plan

The space gets formed along the edge making it porous

Cut plan at 4.5 m from sea level

Having amphitheatre with reed bed spaces below which allows one to interact with the vegetation of reed beds and making the services part of the design. Along with it having admin spaces , washroom , bathroom and locker spaces along with a pumping/maintenance room to control the flow of water in the reed bed systems.

Cut plan at 6m from sea level

Creating pausing spaces on the walkways along with sitting spaces. The walkways connect the surrounding in a way which makes the structure accessible for people walking along the jogging tracks and even for people living in settlements.


Creating different levels in between walkways which will create different volumes of spaces in between and creating nuances like  deck for a walkway becomes sitting spaces for another walkway.

One of the walkways leading into the ocean where once can sit on the deck itself and experiencing the ocean..

Environmental and structural details:

Amphitheater space becoming part of reed beds and making an experiential park

Ramps- Wooden deck with steel frame and glass railing 

Shacks for food stalls with sitting spaces

Idea for overall promenade:

Then looking at how these walkways can become  part for whole promenade where part of it can have reed bed system to treat storm water.