Micro-Climatic Fort Wall

Design Question & Programme 

The promenade is a hard structure, very alien to the present landscape outside the Moti Daman Fort. Its harshness is more intensified by the scorching sun above causing extreme high temperatures, along with high speed, warm wind currents. Also, this space has no shade, whatsoever, from the glaring sun above. Therefore, the site has not been habitable for anyone, including humans and animals. Although, there are a few microenvironments, providing pockets of shade, softening the rigidness of the promenade, which in turn, merges with the landscape. The question is, how can more microenvironments be created using the same spatiality that the trees provide? How can it then cater to everyone, making it more interactive, and also, merge with the landscape?

Site Plan

Moti Daman Fort Promenade 

Argumentative Sketch-

Conceptualized Strategies-

Concept Iterations-

S1 Site Plan-

S1 Sections-

Long Section

Section 1

Section 2

Section 3

S2 Site Plan-

S2 Sections-

Long Section

Section 1

Synthesis Drawing-

Site 1- Inhabiting the Fort Wall

Site 2- Space to Promote Tourism